Chapter Fourteen - Comrades, Part I

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"Now we get the others?" I repeated, staring incredulously at Master Romia as she tied a metal hook to the rope she was holding.

She secured the knot, then turned to me, putting a hand on her hip, "Obviously, you're not the only one who was summoned." She turned and effortlessly threw the hook up at the top of the structure we had just escaped, then tugged on it once it had latched on the wood. "Now we're going back to get the rest of those who have been summoned."
"What?" I ran forward as she began testing the rope with her weight. "Getting one person out is one thing, but do we really know how many people have been summoned? Can we save that many with just the three of us?" And it was a miracle the half bell hadn't already struck.
At that, she laughed heartily, "Do you really think we came alone?"
My eyes widened. "Who did you bring?"
She didn't respond. Instead, she began scaling the side of the building with the rope, and in little more than ten seconds she was slinging herself up onto the roof. I only stared, but Oriole volunteered up next and began climbing, and though she was much slower than Master Romia, it didn't take very long before she too was being helped up onto the roof. They both looked down at me expectantly, but I had already concluded that I wouldn't have enough time to complete another rescue before the voice stopped lending me its strength.
"Hurry up," Master Romia declared, giving the rope a tug as a reminder that it wouldn't be there forever.
I chewed my lip, trying to figure out what to say because I knew that if I said it wrong it was almost certain to have bad repercussions.
"I can't." I groaned inwardly. That was not exactly what I wanted to say.
"What?" She stared at me, her eyebrows furrowed as if she heard me wrong. I wished she had.
"I can't... climb."
I wanted to turn away and bury myself in the sand from embarrassment. My tongue was cursed. It was such a badly told lie and as I stood there looking up at her the desert heat suddenly became unbearable, then a surprisingly brilliant idea popped into my head. I would try to communicate with the voice and see what would happen. If I was lucky, it could 'revive' me long enough to continue on, but if I wasn't so lucky... well, I couldn't think about that.
"It's not my choice, Avi." I jumped at the sound of the silky voice, but I quickly regained my surroundings, concluding once again that no one else could hear it. "Your body can't take any more stress right now. If I were to revive you any longer, it could cause permanent damage."

Master Romia stared down at me with the most unbelieving face. "Why won't you come?"

What... am I supposed to do? I was so lucky to have made it out of the summoning building, but to be stuck in such a stupid dilemma? My mind hurt as it went through so many possibilities that all ended badly.
"I'm sorry, but I can't go with you. I would collapse before I made it up there." In truth, I didn't know what would happen when the voice stopped helping me or when that would be, but I couldn't let Master Romia know what I hadn't figured out for myself yet, about the voice or my imminent weakness. The half-truth flew out my mouth before I knew what I was saying and that it was a terrible excuse for one of Master Romia's students, but I would have to stick behind it for cover. I couldn't let anyone know.
"Well," Master Romia hesitated, obviously not expecting me to be tired after having just fought several collectors, "you can't very well stay behind, Itoma, or you'll be recaptured."
Oriole pursed her lips, her eyes flicking between Master Romia and me with an almost unrecognizable uncertainty. "I could carry him if you'll be fighting off the collectors and he can't walk."

My mouth fell open a little. As much as I didn't want to be the only survivor of the summons, I didn't think I would be of any help in the rescue attempt of the others, and certainly not on the back of Oriole. My stomach churned.
No, that couldn't happen. I shook my head and took a step back, and Master Romia reacted by climbing back down from the roof and straightening her clothes. "If that's what it'll take, then go for it, Oriole."

Just as Oriole began her way back down the rope, my breath caught and I brought my hands up instinctively, "Fine, I'll come, just back off!"
"I hope you know this will hurt you." The voice said sadly as Master Romia flashed me a smile and turned around, and I heaved a sigh. Left with no other choice, I started forward toward the rope. "I can't promise anything, but I will try to hold out as long as it takes. From here on, this is taking a heavy toll on your body and your chances of survival will continue to slim. Keep that in mind as you continue on with them; they just may be the cause of your death."

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This chapter is so short, but it just feels right this way. I haven't exactly been making very many of my recent word goals, anyway. What do you think will happen? Did you like the chapter? (I sure hope so)
Votes, comments, and questions are always welcomed.  ( ' ▽ ' )

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