Chapter 3 (Midnight's POV)

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        As Midnight staggered under the park bench, he wiped out, coughing and rattling. He curled in a ball. Even when he gathered all of his body warmth together he felt like ice.  He warily looked around, and ducked his head under his paws.

        It always took him hours to fall asleep. That was the worst thing. At least let him rest a few hours sooner? Even thought it was dark out, he couldn't shake the wariness away. He breathed in, out, in, out.

        He didn't notice he had fallen asleep until he had woken up. He looked in front of himself, and in the bright light of mid-day he saw two cats looking under the bench. There was a tom and a she-cat. The tom stared at him.

        "Need any help? he asked." Midnight looked at the cats in disbelief. He was too tired to respond, he just nodded. He closed his eyes, thinking that they were closed for five seconds, but when he opened them they must have been open for longer. He was inside an old badger den in the dirt, and under him was a nest of leaves. He tried to look up to see the two cats who rescued him. he couldn't see them. It took him a second to realize that his scratches had already been tended to. He coughed, sending one of the leaves flying.

        "Jeez, how long have you had that cough?" Midnight looked up. the she-cat from earlier was walking in with a piece of water soaked moss. She set it down in front of him. "Stone is gonna come with some food soon." She said. He looked at the Moss. It seemed weird, but he knew he would need something. he licked the moss, getting out some water. She dragged the moss away a little when it seemed he had finished. "Good," she said. "You finally have something in your body." He wanted to laugh, but all he did was smile, and she smiled back. 

        But that was enough. He had smiled for the first time in a long time he could remember.

        Shortly after Stone came back with a few mice in his jaws. He set one down in front of Midnight. 

        "Eat up," he said. Midnight looked down at the mouse, and took a microscopic bite. He bit off more. It was a matter of seconds until he was eating at normal speed again. As he finished his mouse, he looked up to see Stone and the she-cat finishing up theirs. Stone turned to him. "So, who are you?" Stone asked. Midnight collected himself.

        "I'm Midnight." He said, quietly. Stone looked at him, and nodded. 

        "Cool name." 

        "Thanks," Midnight whispered.

        The she cat turned to him.

        "By the way, I'm Blizzard." She said. He smiled.

        "It certainly fits you." he said. He looked at the she-cat again. It certainly did suit her. A pretty name for a pretty cat. He laid his head on his paws. He had friends now. He smiled even more, knowing that he definitely was safe now.



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