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Sophia has added Finn, Jaeden, Wyatt, Jeremy, Chosen and Jack to the group.

Sophia: I found you guys through Finn. Lol.

Sadie: wait how come you're allowed to add ppl?

Millie: we all are...

Millie has added Gaten, Caleb and Noah to the group.

Millie: see.

Sadie: ohh, lemme add someone.

Sadie: Who are those people anyway?

Millie: they're in my study block.

Sadie: ooohhhh ok, well imma add a few to the party.

Sadie has added Natalia and Charlie and Joe to the group.

Millie: they're just gonna leave, you know they hate us high schoolers.

Sadie: whatever

Finn: wtf?

Finn: how'd you find my number? Who are you guys?

Sophia: we're at your school, duh!

Millie: she was snooping through y/n's phone, oops.

Gaten: oh man, another chat.

Noah: hey!

Caleb: omg what the hellin?

Wyatt: OOF.

Jaeden: who are you guys?

Chosen: hey

Jeremy: hi

Jack: whom tf

Finn: I'm confused.

Caleb: same.

Gaten: Yeah, I'm Gaten tho

Noah: I'm Noah.

Caleb: Caleb

Finn: I'm Finn.

Wyatt: super Wyatt

Jaeden: Wyatt stfu.

Jaeden: I'm Jaeden, don't mind Wyatt. He's a airhead.

Jack: jack Dawson here

Wyatt: an*

Chosen: Chosen

Jaeden: whatever Wyatt, it ain't fucking school rn.

Wyatt: OOF.

Jeremy: I'm Jeremy Ray Taylor

Finn: no offence Jeremy but i think we were only supposed to say our first names...

Jack: omg don't bully him!

Wyatt: yeah Finn. Leave him alone

Chosen: omf

Gaten: this is getting a little weird and confusing..?

Jaeden: y'all.

Caleb: ok

Noah: it's entertaining to lurk though.

y/n: ok what's going on? I'm like totally lost... when did you guys get here?

Sophia: I added them.

Caleb: yeah she did

Millie: lol

Sadie: omg guys...

Natalia: ummm

Gaten: hey Natty

Sadie: hehe

Sophia: oof



y/n: omfg

Finn: sorry

Millie: aww

Caleb: haha...

Sadie: I'm gonna just go

Noah: yeah same.

Gaten: me too.

Caleb: I'm already gone

Charlie has left the group.

Finn: oof.

Finn: adios Charlie, you'll be missed.

Wyatt: lmao he never even said anything. Tf?

Joe: lol you kids get to bed.

Gaten: ok Mom

Caleb: can you read me a bedtime story first?

Sadie: 😂

Joe: sure, just get into bed first.

Wyatt: omf y'all aren't role playing are you?

Jack: fuck off ma block wit that anime shit lmao

Joe: no I'm srsly their mum

Gaten: Yeah, we're blessed.

Caleb: ily mom

Joe: I love u son.

Gaten: I love u momma

Joe: I kind of love u son

Jack: OOF.

Wyatt: I'm kind of liking this joe guy.

Jaeden: same omg

Gaten: wow.

Joe: just kidding I love you.

y/n: yo I stan a mother-son relationship. 💖🤤

Sadie: same.

Sophia: omg guys we should all meet up and hang out.

Wyatt: oof where?

Finn: ^

Jack: ^^

Jaeden: ^^^

Wyatt: ^^^^

Gaten: ^^^^^

Caleb: omg


Sadie: oof

Millie: yeah, we can meet at y/n's

Finn: is she ok with it tho

Finn: I mean if we all go over there and mess up the place it'll probably upset her.

Jack: aww, look at whittle Finn all protective over y/n. He really cares.

Sophia: I'm shook

Wyatt: SHOOK.


Finn: yeah so?

Jaeden: 😂

Chosen: I'm going to bed, gn! ❤️

Jack: gn buddy. 💝 ily :)

Chosen: 💜💜💚

Joe: sleep tight kiddies, goodnight. 💙


A little longer than usual, since there's more characters in the group chat.

Mini FYI that they'll be more spicy or intense (whichever) in the next few chapters so be prepared.

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