Ace Spade

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She woke up, to a start feeling like someone else was in the room. She didn't move expect very slowly reaching under her darkened pillow, closing her hand around her small knife. Suddenly, light flooded her room while she jerked up prepared to stab the intruder. The male figure jumped back, chuckling. It was Danny, her father right hand man, the man that had been like an older brother to her.

"You are getting quicker everyday. " He said, smiling at her.

She smiled smile, sliding the knife back under her pillow. She pulled back the covers back and stretched out her long limbs. She grabbed her phone and threw her long black hair in a bun. She shooed him back as she stood up. As she glanced at him, she noticed a new cut across his cheek.

"Did I do that, or were you trying to flirt again?" She teased him, smiling.

He shook his head, chuckling, "I got in from training earlier. Our newbies are getting tougher and bolder."

Ace nodded, making her bed. "Bolder is good, just make sure they don't get too bold. Actually let me teach them that lesson." A smirk played about the females lips as she glanced up at the male. She was known for her teaching skills to be quite....what was the word.....dangerous.

The male chuckled turning his back to her, "Talk to your father on that one. Breakfast is ready, young one." With that, he left her alone again in her large is room. She smiled to herself before quickly getting ready for her day.

;; This was very much overdue. OOPS

;; Please don't hate me! I have been busy with school, work and family. I just haven't been in the mood to write but now that I am a senior and trying to finish what I start, this will be finished.

;; But as I said, I am senior now in high school with a part time job, so thus i will be late on updates, but i will try to update every week.

;; Keep voting and spreading!

;; And if you have questions or art, I would love to answer/see them!

;; Until next time, Skittles Out~

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