Lee Taemin

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Slamming my hand down on the stupid alarm clock, groaning at the noise, I could hear the shower running and my dad's deep voice singing. Day was the day that I actually go back to school. A few days ago, some gang member decided it would be funny to set off smoke bombs and dung bombs in the vents, making everyone panic. Siting up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, noticing a fold uniform on the desk with a note on top. Standing up and walking to the fold, I heard the shower stop and my fathers booming voice telling me to get my ass in gear and hurry up.
After a hot quick shower, I scrambled into my school uniform, buttoning the last few buttons on my jacket when the door flew open and came tumbling in my little sisters. They giggled, scrambling up, "Dad says you need to stop dragging your ass and hurry up or else!" The snaller one of the two said. Their names were Lisa and Rosa. They were twins and tighter than a pack of sardines. Quickly reaching out for them, "What did I say about repeating his swears?!" I said, tickling them both. Breaking free, they pushed me back and ran out as my father's voice called for us to grab our stuff and get in the car...NOW! Grabbing my school bag, shoving the uniform and note into it, I ran to the car. Time for another day of hell.

This was so overdue and I am so sorry!! School has been a whirlwind, and life is crazy!!!! Hope you enjoy!! Vote and Spreadddddd

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