The crazy part about love

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Ever since you and Jc stopped talking to each other you cried yourself to sleep every night. You would wake up in the morning and leave. You didn't talk to anyone but Connor. You were sleeping in his room. he is kind and nice and... So many other things.

After months you finally had enough. You need to talk to him, Evan if he hates you. you walk into his bedroom. You look into those warm eyes. You couldn't help it, you broke down.

" Jc.... I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you." you cried he wasn't facing you.

He says nothing he just looks out the window.

" I love you. I never stopped." your eyes are red.

He finally looks up and kisses you. his soft lips against yours you feel complete. but you then felt guilt. He pulled away. " I love you to."

You smile and he smile and you curl up next to him burying your face into him.

" I'm sorry...."

" It's my fault" he says

"No it's not."

you guys just lay there in silence. you were finally in his arms again. you guys took a quick nap together. You were happy but at the same time not. some part of you wanted to be with Connor. That's the crazy thing about love.

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