Chapter 9 something bad happens

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Carson's POV
I was walking with Alisson freddie and Ava and we were heading home after a double date night we were just chatting when these two guys came up to us and said "there they are hiding that their gay once again." I said "we're not gay leave us alone." The Guys said "that's bull shit you guys are gay our mom's said you guys have 2 dad's  so obviously you're gay." Freddie said "that doesn't make us gay if we did have two dads which we don't now leave us alone before we call the cops." They said "you're not even his son so stop trying." Freddie went up to the guy and punched him in the face Ava said "Freddie don't." And went over to him to try and help him of course I had to Step in too then the guy took out a knife and stabbed Freddie in the shoulder he screamed and then fell to the ground I ran over to him and then looked at the guy I went over to the guy Alisson  said "Carsen don't." I didn't listen I went up to the guy and said "you get the hell out of here now and I never want to see you're face again we are suing you!!!" He got close to me and said "he deserves to die." I punched him in the face the girls called 911 and the police came and arrested me and the guy and then Freddie was rushed to the hospital they put me in the back of the police car and drove me to the police station.

Alex's POV
Carsen,Freddie,Ava and Alisson aren't back yet I was getting worried because he wasn't answering any of my text or calls and they were suppose to be home by now I was panicking and so was Eleanor harry put his hands on my shoulders and hugged me and said "look at me." I looked at him into his beautiful green eyes that I still get lost in till this day he said "he's probably fine they'll probably be walking through that door any moment." I said "I just worry that's all." He said "I know you do."  Then my phone rang I picked it up on the first ring thinking it was Carsen the person said "mrs styles this is officer jole and I'm here to inform you that your son got into a fight on the streets and there was a knife involed he didn't get hurt but his friend did and is in the hospital now you guys can come pick him up now." I said "thank you for your call." Eleanor Louis and harry all looked at me I said "carsen's at the police station again we have to go get him and Freddie's in the hospital he got stabbed but I don't know where." Eleanor said "how the hell did he get stabbed?" I said "there was a fight on the streets and there was a knife involed and they got involed too because it was larries that's what I'm assuming cause their every where they go like they don't have a life." We then headed to our cars and we told Louis and Eleanor we would meet them at the hospital the girls came with us too. We arrived at the police station me and harry were both fuming we walked in and saw Carsen he was beat up pretty badly I didn't say a word to him and neither did harry the police officer said "this is another warning for him we better not see him here again." I said "thank you officer this won't happen again we're so sorry for our son's behavior." He said "it's alright he's a good kid he got in a fight for a good reason trust me." How the hell is getting in a fight a good reason what is this guy smoking. We then headed to the car he got in and I said "Carsen why?" He said "I was defending Freddie they called him fake and stabbed him I got mad and started punching them but the guys started it first." Harry said "son you of all people know violence is not the answer you're grounded until we un ground you." He said "fair enough." We then headed back to the hospital Sophie said "I'm better now I don't need to go here." I said "this isn't for you this is where Freddie is." We walked in and found Louis and Eleanor we hugged both of them and I said "how is he?" Eleanor said "We don't know yet." Carsen sighed and sat down and put his head in his hands I sat next to him and rubbed his back and said "it's not your fault." He said "I feel like it is if I didn't say let's walk back this would have never happened." Harry sat next to him and said "son it could have happened to you or anyone else." He said "true."

Then the doctor came out and said "Freddie is fine he just needed a couple of stiches but it was pretty deep he got lucky." Eleanor said "thank you doc can we see him?" He said "yeah you guys can." We walked in and Freddie said "mom dad I'm sorry." Louis said "what are you apologizing for we're suing the person that did this to you." He said "I'm just sorry for everything because I almost wasn't here today." Tori said "you're here now you survived yeah note my sarcasm jk love ya and your fine as we all can see." Louis glared at tori Freddie said "yeah ok whatever you say tori and thank you mate you didn't have to beat him up." Carsen said "I wanted too and felt like I needed too." Eleanor said "hell the person is in jail anyways but how's your shoulder feeling Fred?" He said "sore but they said I could go home." I said "ok just be careful." Freddie said "will do." They signed him out and we went home since I'm was like 12:00 I went up to mine and Harry's room and showered and then got my pjs on and climbed into bed and harry Joined me and wrapped his arms around my waist I smiled he said "I love you." I said "I love you too." Then we both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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