Chapter 2

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Kurt and Blaine pulled up to the cinema. They were going to go see Oculus. Kurt was scared for half of the movie and Blaine couldn't stop himself from laughing at Kurt.


"That shit was scary, Blaine! Why that movie?"

"I wanted a good laugh." Kurt suddenly went serious.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. My dad's been on a business trip and I'm a week clean. He's coming back in two weeks so let's enjoy it while we can, okay?" Kurt nodded.

"You know my offer of adopting you still stands." Blaine giggled.

"I know, I know. Let's enjoy our weekend." Kurt and Blaine walked to Blaine's car and drove to Kurt's house.


"Do you remember when we were 12 and I told you I was gay?" Kurt asked, sprawled across his bed.

"Yeah. You came to my house at 5:32 on a Wednesday night in April it was 2005 and you were in tears when you said it and you stayed the night at my house and you admitted to me that you had a crush on me and I told you I could never love you back, but I knew that one day you would find a boy who loves you. You did. I'm really happy for you."

"You remember all of that?" Kurt was astounded.

"Of course I do! It was the night my best friend told me his biggest secret!" Kurt and Blaine chuckled.

"Oh, that reminds me. What was it that you wanted to tell me earlier?" Blaine took a deep breath. He was going to do this.

"Kurt," he froze for a minute then spit it out in one jumbled word, "imgay." He waited for a response.

"What? I couldn't understand you talk a bit slower, please."

"I-I', Kurt. I knew in the eighth grade. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you!" Blaine sobbed.

"It's okay," Kurt got up from his bed and comforted Blaine, "why didn't you tell me?"

"I saw how bad you were getting bullied and I was a wimp. I didn't want it to happen to me." Kurt let go of Blaine.

"You need to tell me right now. Do you like anyone? And I swear to God-or whoever-if you say Chandler..." Blaine chuckled and shook his head.

"No, uh, you don't know him. He has light brown hair-always quiffed upwards-beautiful blue eyes, tall, fair skin, sarcastic, sassy, gorgeous smi--"

"Yeah, still not hearing a name!"

"Oh, sorry, uh, his--it's--his name's...K-Sssss-Sebastain!" Blaine pulled a name out of his ass. Kurt squealed. And this is pretty much how they're weekend went. Kurt asked about this, so-called, Sebastian. Blaine gave him answers. Sunday, Blaine went home.


Monday morning. Blaine hated Mondays. He pulled himself out of bed and got dressed. He picked out some clothes, and shoes. He decided on a back v-neck and dark grey skinny jeans with some Toms. He looked hot.  He looked at his arms and examined his scars and recent bruises. He grabbed his black hoodie and headed off to school.

Blaine got in his car, pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and drove off to school.


Upon arriving to school, Blaine saw Kurt. With Chandler. Why was he so scared to tell his best friend how he feels? Oh, right his best friend's boyfriend would beat him to a pulp. Okay, noted. But, why the hell did Blaine start getting weird vibes from Chandler? He's known Chandler since junior year, so something just started going on. Kurt belongs with Blaine and if Blaine wanted Kurt to see that he had to get to the bottom of this.


A/N PLEASE READ---------------Yes, it's rolling. It's rolling all over the damn place. 

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