The Girl and the Water

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I remember the day, back when I was three, we went to the water, and everything was supposed to be carefree.

I went a little too deep, stumbled a little too far, I went under the surface, and everything was dark. But Water refused to let me drown, it whispered to me, "i'll carry you home, you will be free."

before I could ask what it meant, i felt a push beneath me, and everything became light again. I could breathe again, above the surface,

and Mommy was angry, but grateful I was okay. I was tired, but back then I never realized how Water had saved me that day.

Again and again we'd visit Water by the sandy shores, and Water was always grateful for my return. It trained me to swim and hold my breath, and a victory i'd always earn.

When I couldn't fight my way up myself, Water always gave a helping hand, and eventually, Water became my best friend.

Water and I would vow that someday, we'd be together, and never have to separate.

Of course, then I thought i'd eventually be able to hold my breath forever, but in the mind of a child, you don't realize what Water means by forever. One day we visited, and Water seemed particularly down. I asked what was wrong, and Water said "no one ever stays down."

I shrugged it off and Water and I began our day of play. I should have noticed how bad Water wanted me to stay. Water lured me deeper, and I followed it's lead. It sent waves, and I was the rider, Water my mighty steed. One particular wave, I was sent under, and I couldn't fight my way up. Water asked me, "why do you want up?"

I was confused, being only nine, but Water told me "It is your time." afterward without warning, a sharp pain hit me. Right through my center, and stinging wouldn't let me be.

I struggled helplessly when I realized, within the fading light, how dumb I was to trust Water, and Water said "good night."

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