Chapter 9: Oh God, Gavin. Oh, God.

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I looked through Twitter while eating my breakfast. There was always this one person who says good morning to me every day. It always made me smile when I saw their post. Their username was @Eesdesesesrdt. I only knew how to pronounce that because of the Youtuber who came up with the name-PBG, or better known as PeanutButterGamer. Anyways, I looked through my Twitter to find their post for today.

Finally, I found it. "Good morning Michael. Today, I hope you find someone/something that makes you happy. :)" They had a little thing for each day in their Tweet. Every day was different. I started each a smile because of them. Today, I decided to reply to them and retweet them. "Thanks for all the smiles you put on my face every day. :)" 

"Hey, Micoo," A voice called. I turned around at the sound of my name.


"How does your toaster work? It's confusing." He stated with a pout on his face.

"Here, I got you buddy." I walked over to Gavin putting my phone into my pocket, and showed him how the toaster worked. 

"Thanks, Micoo." He replied like a little kid would when their parent would give them something they really wanted. Smiling. I smiled as a reply and walked back to my seat. My phone tinged. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked what made it ring. 'New reply to your Tweet.' I looked at the name and saw it was from @Eesdesesesrdt. I unlocked my phone and opened Twitter.

"Thank you for making my day, Michael!" I smiled. Then frowned. I smelled-burning. "Gavin! You're toast is burning."

A freaked voice responded. "Yeah, I know! How do I stop the damn thing?!"

I laughed. I put down my phone and walked over to Gavin. I clicked a button and a burnt piece of toast came out. "Here, I'll make you some. My toaster is confusing." He made the heat too high and burnt his toast. He was just so cute!

A waiting Gavin that was standing next to me, collapsed. I heard the thud of his body hitting the titled floor. I stopped what I was doing and went down to my knees. "Gavin, buddy. Talk to me. You okay?" I waited but, got no response. "Gavin!" I didn't wait any longer. I called nine-one-one.

"Hello, Austin, Texas Emergency Center. Police, ambulance, or firestation?"


"What happened sir and what is your location?"

"5684 E. Amber Wood St. My friend suddenly collasped." I felt his forehead. "His forehead is burning and his breathing is staggered." My voice was shakey but, I got the words out some how.

"The ambulance is on their way, sir. They should be there soon. Please have your door unlocked and opened so they can easily and quickly get your friend to the hospital."

"Okay. Do I need to stay on the phone? I want to focus on my friend."

"No, sir. You may hang up."

I sighed, "Thank you. Good day." I hung up the phone. I didn't know what to do so, I left his helpless body where it was. I didn't want to make it any harder on him. The tears were running down my face and on to his. 

The ambulance came and took him away. I hopped in my car and followed them to the hospital. When I got there they made me wait in the waiting room. I nodded and went to the brown walled giant room. I sat down in an oversized brown chair. I checked Twitter, messaged Geoff I wasn't going to be at work and paced in the room. After a half an hour of doing this, I sat back down into a chair. I sat there for an hour staring into no where when a worker came up to me.

"Are you-" She looked down at some paperwork, "Michael Jones?" She was lightly skin toned with sandy beach colored hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that reminded me of Gavin.


"Would you like some coffee or anything to drink?"

"Yes. Can you show me where I can go buy some?" She nodded and I stood up. She led me to a vending machine three blocks away, next to the restroom. I quickly decided on a Red Bull and we walked back to the waiting area.

"You're friend, Gavin Free. It says that his insurance will not cover his bill. We wanted to let you know and hand you the paperwork instead of him because he might have a concussion from the fall. Sorry about this Mr.Jones." She looked truly sorry so, I just said, "Thank you" in response.

Oh God, Gavin. Oh God.

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