Chapter 13: His Believable Story

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  • Dedicated to Michael Vincent Jones

"Michael I-" Gavin was stopped by a person dressed in all black walking towards us. "What the fuck you want, asshole?" He man continued walking towards us slowly and reached into his pocket. He pulled, I think a pocket knife out, and flipped it open.

Gavin stood. "Look, this is not the time for this." He was so serious and I guess so was the other guy because he ignored Gavin and continued his way toward us. He was walking slowly but, he was quickly approaching. "Seriously?" Gavin answered to the mute man. "Alrighy then."

I also stood to back up Gavin. The man lifted his knife, he was a little threatening but, with his tiny pocket knife it made him less intimidating. About ten feet he started running, arm raised with knife in hand but, Gavin didn't move. He held his ground.

"Gavin!" I screamed, echoing off the concrete walls. The intruder slashed Gavin's face but, the same as before, Gavin didn't move. I guess it threw the man off because he paused. Gavin kneed him where the sun don't shine and punched him straight in the jaw when he doubled over. My jaw dropped and so did the rest of Gavin's body.

"Did-did-did I really do that?" He asked terrified. He stared at his hands. Without us noticing the man had wiped his bloody lip and straightened himself up.

I jumped over Gavin somehow and went into action. The rest was a blur and when it was finished the guy was on the floor. Unconscious. I pulled out my phone and called nine-one-one. They came and took the guy. They wanted to check Gavin and I but, I refused and didn't let anyone touch me. They gave Gavin a bandage but, he threw it off as soon as they left. "I hate this bloody thing!" I laughed and we walked back to the office.

"Hey Geoff." I smiled with a trailing Gavin. 

Geoff turned to look at us, "Hey guy-oh my God Gavin! What happened to you?!" Geoff was like a father to Gavin now since Gavin lived in Geoff's garage that they turned into a room.

"Geoffrey," Gavin barely called him that. "I'm fine. Calm down." By now everyone was looking at us. Ray, Ryan, and Jack, stared at Gavin. It was then a mixture of eyes switching from Gavin to I to Geoff. I was a little uncomfortable. "Look, I was being dumb when we went out to get a snack. Michael and I. I got a knife and played around with it. I cut my chin on accident and I cleaned the cut in the restroom. Seriously, I'm fine." He smiled. Oh, damn he was good.

"Uh, oh-okay." Geoff managed after Gavin's very believable story.

"Michael and I are going to take off the rest of the day and make up for it on Saturday." This was news to me. Gavin flashed a quick grin at me and I smiled back. "That okay?" Gavin asked with his head tilted ever so slightly like a confused puppy.

"Uh-sure" Geoff answered unsurely.

"Thanks!" Gavin beamed. And with that we grabbed our stuff and left.

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