Chapter 10: Just Friends, Just Gavin

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I didn't leave the waiting room until they told me I could see my Gavin-I mean Gavin. Right, it has to be just Gavin. Nothing more. I frowned.

I wish he could know.

"Mr.Jones" Said the same woman from earlier, "you may see Gavin Free now." She smiled genuinely at me and I only smiled in response. I ran towards the elevator, paper work in hand. I pressed 3 and watched the metal doors taking their time to close. I was shaking. I was nervous to see one of my few friends, hurt.

When the slow ass doors finally reopened, I darted down the left hall. Room 636, room 636. I passed it five times before I actually saw it. I stood at the closed door, my mind running one thousand miles to no where. I reached towards the handle, feeling the coldness of the door handle made me have the feeling of something so cold it burns. I winced and turned the handle just so slightly. I peeked my head in, seeing a closed eyed, normal breathing, Gavin Free.

I smiled then frowned. He can never be mine. I can watch him fall in love with some beautiful girl and all I can do is watch from the sidelines and support my friend. Because we are just friends. I guess I was crying like a little bitch because my shirt got wet.

"Cute ain't he? Oh wait, sorry." A too familiar voice said.

"I swear. Do you ever fuck off?" I was pissed. It was not the time for this bitch to come waltzing up and stopping time to talk to me. I don't need another reminder. "Do the world a favor and fuck off."

"Is someone having a bad day?" I could hear the smile on her face. I decided to ignore her and walk to a frozen Gavin. Even though he was still, he was beautiful and perfect.

"For once and for all Gracie, fuck off."

"Don't think this is the last of this pretty face." She said with a smirk.

I mumbled, "Oh, I couldn't imagine it any other way, fuck head." Gavin started to breath again. I looked over at his heart rate monitor-normal, good.

"Micoo" I swear I heard him whimper. "I'm scared Micoo, I'm scared." His eyes were still closed, he was shaking. I grabbed his hand. "I'm here buddy. It's me, Michael. I'm here boi." His body went still again and nothing else changed. My friend, in the hospital because of me. It's all my fault. This poor little helpless boy was here, unable to pay his fines because of me. It's James all over again!You know what. I'm going to pay his bills, for James. "Hey buddy," I said even though he couldn't hear me "I'm gonna go to the front office for a second, okay? Okay." 

I let go of his hand and walked out the door, slowly closing it behind me. I'll be back soon, Gav. I promise.

When I got to the elevator my phone tinged. I got a text. I got out my phone, saw it was from Geoff and unlocked my phone. "So ditching work like you ditched me yesterday? Where the hell are you?" I powered down my phone and waited for the doors to open. When they did, I found my way to the front.

"Hello, my name is Christy. How may I help you, sir?" Christy said with a smile.

"I would like to pay some hospital fines please." I said polietly.

"Which pacient?"

"Gavin David Free. Room 636."

"Okay. One moment sir." She typed in the information. She printed something and handed me more papers. She went through the fines and told me the total. I payed the fine, said my thanks and went back to the elevator back to the third floor. 

I'm sorry, Gavin. I wish I could do more.

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