Day 18 Flying (02/01/2018)

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Day 18 Flying

Thursday Food Journal

Breakfast -
Vitamins Taken
Eggs and sausage - 300
Breakfast Total - 300

Lunch -
Eggs and chorizo - 300
Lunch Total - 300

Snack -
Veggie Straws - 130
Snack Total - 130

Supper -
Chicken Chimichanga
    w/red chile - 527
Supper Total - 527

Day 18 Flying Total Calories - 1257

Liquid Intake -
24 oz water
8 oz coffee
60 oz iced tea

Exercise -

Today was a lovely day but it was long.  I did pretty well with my eating coming in just under my calorie cap, can you tell I was craving eggs, LOL.  My meeting ran long and I had some errands to do afterward so I ended up in town later than I wanted so I stopped by a local run, Mexican food place and picked up supper for my son and I.  Their food is always fresh and locally sourced, so much better than going to a fast food place.

Holy cow it is the end of the week already. My son has a cold so I am going to make some chicken and rice soup for him tomorrow.  I have school with the babies and some writing and other computer work to do, it should be a full day. 
Thank you for flying with me, I am so grateful for all of you and your kind support! Happy Friday to you all!


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