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We paint a smile on our face to hide our emotions. But eventually, we'll run out of paint. And nobody- I mean nobody -wants to take care of a mess like that. So take all the precautions you can, stock up on paint. But there won't be enough for everybody, and you don't want to be that one person who ran out of paint just a bit too soon. 

So build a wall. A wall, for the people who don't have any paint to wear. A wall, to block out the obscenities that are unpainted people. To block out the pain, the notion that one day you'll have to face the fact that it's not okay. Because it's never going to be okay.

Or maybe, you can force the unpainted people into the depths of non-existence. Coerce them into ending their life- but don't end it yourself. That way, it's not your mess to clean up. Because nobody wants to clean up a mess like that. At least that's never going to be seen as okay.

But then again, nothing's ever going to be okay. The least we can do is pretend. 

So let's pretend.

Let's pretend that we're not stuck in a world with morals beyond the gates of humanity. Let's pretend, for a moment, that we don't need the paint, that we don't need the wall to shield us from reality. Let's pretend that we're not afraid of reality, because reality is a wonderful notion. 

The birds are always singing, the sun is always out. The world isn't dying, and everybody is happy knowing that everything matters. 

But reality is a terrible notion. The birds are shrieking, and the sun is burning holes in our comfort zones. Nobody is happy and those that are are delusional, because ignorance is bliss. Nothing matters anymore, and no amount of pretending will change that. We'll only be made fun of for pretending, anyway. 

Better to use paint.


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