Second Chances

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It's funny how no matter what you do or what people say or how far you go, you'll never be truly in control of your life. No matter how hard you try, you can never really start over, either. 

When people ask for second chances, they're hoping for a fresh start. But some damage an't be fixed, and you'll never be quite able to forget everything. It's hilarious, really, how people tell you "it's your choice" when really there aren't many choices there in the first place.

They say to forgive and forget, but that's not really a choice, and it's pretty hard to implement, too. Because if a person even tries to start over, or turn the page, it won't somehow be the first page in the book- it'll just be a different page. The page from before will still be a part of the book. You can tear out the pages, or try to scribble the words out, but there's always going to be that little space at the beginning of the book where the first few pages are- or where they were, until they were removed. 

It's like the light in someone's eyes. Even if it dies out, you'll always see the eyes as an incomplete structure, just a little too plain, always missing something.

Nowadays, when people hear that someone was given a second chance at life, they don't care about or even ask what the person has been doing or how hard they've been trying to redeem themselves- if they did something wrong, that is.

All anybody cares about is why they needed a second chance, what did they do wrong? 

If, in second chances, the past is truly erased, then who's not to say that they just want to re- live their life and make different choices, just to live under different circumstances? 

People will criticize you for being the way you are, and then, when you try to change, they pounce... because you're their plaything and they want to keep you, and your scars that mark you as theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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