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Happiness. It's a concept, though concepts are not always present in everyday situations. Concepts- you come across them from time to time. Fake it till you make it- happiness is often faked. Not many people are happy. You need something- and object, or person, or event to make you happy or sad. Otherwise, you'll just be neutral. And, well, being neutral is often what people criticize. They want things and people to have an effect on your emotions. Your actions are fueled by your emotions. 

Everybody has a different response to each emotion. Some people lash out, some others just... blank out. Both receive criticism, but the ones who blank out are often taken advantage of. They don't deserve it- they're just coping. And, well, it's not fair. They just want to be happy, and when people don't get what they want, they become upset. Adults get angry when their plans are ruined, children when they want food and don't have any. It's a normal occurrence, yet people treat it as if it shouldn't be there. Soon enough, they'll be treating people the same way- as if they shouldn't be there.

 But everything exists with a purpose, and just because someone hasn't found theirs doesn't mean you can disregard them all together. It all connects to the concept of arrogance. Just because you have something that someone else doesn't doesn't mean you're better than them.  It's not like a score on a test, there is no better. We're all people.

It's about time we started acting like it.

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