Fallen Bird

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The fallen bird is laying flushed against a hospital bed. He was connected to many different machines and he had an oxygen mask over his face. Since he was brought in as Nightwing he still had his mask on though the rest of his uniform had been replaced with a hospital gown.

Batman, Robin, and Batgirl were all present in the silent room. The only sound was the slow beeping of the heart monitor.

Both Batgirl and Robin were sitting in the chairs near the door, their eyes never leaving their fallen friend/brother. Batman was standing at Dick's side, his hand resting gently upon Dick's head. In his other hand Batman was clenching a bloodied and crumpled note. 

Looking up at the monitor his eyes narrowed.

His pulse is still low...

The younger Bats looked at their mentor and then at each other. 

After a few moments it was Robin who was the first to look away. His gaze became focused on his folded hands in his lap. Batgirl sighed and looked at the bed chart.

Broken ribs (3)

Internal bleeding

Both wrists fractured

Mild head trauma

Cause: Attempted suicide jump

Current state: Critical

With a silent groan she buried her face in her hands. That was when a soft knock was heard at the door.

"Come in." was Batman's gruff response as he thought it was the doctor or the nurse. 

No... it was the people he hated most at the moment... 

Heck he liked Joker more than these people right now!

All the members of the original Young Justice team filed into the room.

This earned Robin a glare from Batgirl but he just grimaced and shrugged.

Barbara knew Dick would hate having them in here because he wouldn't want them to see him in such a weak state... but Tim knew they should be here in case... 

Tim swallowed harshly. He couldn't finish that thought.

But then the third Robin noticed that not all of the members were there. 

Wally wasn't there. 

Anger bristled inside the younger Bird. 

Of all the people he should be here the most!

None of the former proteges could look at Batman. They could only look at their former friend. Except Artemis and Kaldur. They didn't have the guilt or grief of rejecting their friend.

However they shared the grief of seeing their friend in a hospital bed.

Suddenly Batgirl sprang up from her chair and shot the team a glare that was pretty close to  a 'bat-glare'. But not exact. Only Batman and Nightwing have fully mastered that.

"Where the hell is Wally?!"

The team was a little shocked but they did understand why neither Batman or Robin made a move to calm her down. They had a right to be mad. 

Artemis was the one who spoke up. 

"Bar-- er Flash wanted to speak with him first..."

Batgirl huffed but followed Robin out of the room when he started to leave. 

Batman watched his young proteges leave before looking back down at his first son. Slowly, he retracted his hand and followed them out and shut the door, leaving the original team.

But before anyone said a word there were muffled voices outside of the room and then in came Wally. He looked grief stricken and exhausted. Artemis made room for him next to her, the place where Batman had stood. But Wally reached behind her to grab the note Batman left on a shelf.

What was written made him turn a sickly white.

The last Flying Grayson....
                 Will soon fly again...

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