FUCK ok time for fuckin drunk history of Waterparks

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writen after many shots of vodka and brandy and othet stuff


so in the beginning somewhee in texas there was the blue poptarts. that was awsten and jawn and other people. and then awstens like Im gonna make me a new band. so he auditions peple and finsa OTTO WOOD the bae and he beoms the drummer and its awesome and he gets some bass player dude and gutatist whi doest matter. WHAT MATTES is the bass dudes friend is geoff wingigtn who is te most beautiful man evet and he eventually becomes the offical waterparks guitarist. and they put out airplant conversations and silver kills everyone ass

so watetparks continues to be cool and they keep playibg and wriitng killer mucis and they write black light wich also kilsl everyone ass. god there are so many jamps. waterparks as nevr wtitten a bad song and u gotta listen to all thitr fuckin music because itsa all asesom


so then theyre like tryign to send their music to rcord labels so they can graduate from being a small band to being a bigger band. thry send thei musi to a bunch pf peope who cant understand how aesme they are. thankfully awsten is a DIVA who loves himslf because he dosnt let these bitch ass labels tell him he needs to change. he saends Im a natura blue to equal vision and theyre like holy shit we love you. so awsten nds up recording with the fuckin madden bros from good charlott and hes starstruck but theyre all cool. and they start recorinf cluter. AND ther get fckibn MIKEY WAY to come in an record bass. and geoff was on the phone hwen mikey came in and he didnt realice uhnthl after mikehy was ib the stufduio and he was lke OHHH and otto was like yea dudde MIKEHY FUCK INF WAY

ok so cluster is full of jams just like evry waterparks ep and peopke lo v them. but then its time to record an ALBUM. FUCKIN DOUBEL DATE. DOUBLE DARE. u kbow what I mean. anyway. awsten and geoff an doto write all these fuckin AMAZING jams ad fins double date and then jump into warped tour and them double date is out and everyone like hold fuck waterparks is amazin

they tour with a bunch of cool peole like uh creepr and all time loe and fuckin speepibg wiht sitens and sleep in t. (god im s sorry for the typos) bu7t. thyv been writing csongs this whole time because thete all amazing musc genusis who I love and evertyon dhoud love. and they put togethet ENTERTAINMENT whicb is the most rockin album e ver to esict. but they gotta wait to put it out. and they pur out blonde and lucky peple

but assten is aso a fun dude and he is felyony steve and he puts out money mojnttin volum 2 whicih is amzgi but equal us like "you cant give out music f rre we own u" so he has to take it swon. but then not warrios comes out an everon dies. the enteraintment comes out an ebveron dies again. and Im rlly drunk so Im gonna finish this son

ug other importnt thigns:

· awsten is NOT pure hes a monster who writes awesom lyrics and kicks hs bandsmats out f waterparks

· geof is the softest human and hes cute

· oto is a coybow and also embarrasing and he loves mcr ore than any of us

· they stasn kesha as we all shold

· thyrs gods facorte boy band

· jawn is he phorographer and we all loe him

· uh wzten san tracvis have a fanfictionreadig podsvcar

· pls b nicc to their girlfriends theyre not actualls ga

· when they signed to cluster they all signed in places importnt to them bc theyre sappy and geod signed on awstns ass bc its improtant to him

· they dressed up as trees and made pus twhen they wer nontimate for ne band of the year or whateve rthe fu ck it is

· awsten wries a lot of diss music because he only listens ot kesha and rap mucis but he wnt release the diss tracks escept tantrum an little violent and uh night maps

thats it thats the drunk history of WATWRPARKS pls buy entertainment on itunes and whatevrr else its being sold on. I lov waterparks theyre all s lovey I lov thos boys the deserve the wold

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