Part 3

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The trip to the palace was a long one.The palace was about 5 hours from the Slaveholders Hole.

So when they finally arrived at the palace it was about 7 pm.

-Let's go.-Harry said.He didn't pay attention to the girls who were chained at had to sit like that over 5 hours.They were now slaves.

As Amia and Kyra got out of the truck Harry noticed the cuts on their back.

-Now I see why you two were left.-He sighed.

Harry led them trough the service entrance and showed them where the slaves quarters were.

-There are two types of slaves here, the servants and harem slaves.You two will probably be the harem slaves, but that's up to the king to decide.-

-I'm not going to be a harem slave!-Amia almost shouted.

-Be grateful I'm even explaining this to you!-Harry looked angrily at her.

-Why couldn't you vampire have left us on New Zealand?What did we ever do to you?-Amia argued.

-Amia...-Kyra tried reasoning her.

But she didn't listen.-You invaded our home and enslaved us, and you expect me to have respect for you, well that ain't happening!-

In a second she was on the ground as Harry slapped her across the face.-You will have respect or else!-

-Harry...-A quiet voice interrupted.

A handsome vampire appeared out of no where.He was wearing his robe and nothing else underneath it .

-Your highness.-Harry kneeled down and signaled to Kyra to do the same.

Ama was th only one that was lying on the floor.

Zayn came to her and picked her up.Even Amia knew she wasn't allowed to mess around with him.

-What is your name?-

-Amia.-She whispered.

-It won't do, your new name is now Amelia.-


-You'll have to earn your name, for now your name is Amelia.-Zayn then walked to Kyra.-What is your name?-

-Kyra.-She said.

-Your name will be Katy.-She nodded.

-Get them cleaned up.-He said to some servants.-Harry you come with me.-

A few servants girls rushed to them and showed them where the Turkish bathroom was.

They poured the water on themselves as the servant girl took care of their wounds.

When they were finished they were given a white kimono for sleepwear and, almost the same clothes they wore in the Slaveholder's Hole, for the day.

-I guess you can wear the kimono for tonight but tomorrow you'll have duties and at night it's probable that one of you will be going to the kings bedroom.-One of the servant girls said.

 Amia sighed.She didn't want to be the one that will go there, but she also couldn't let her sister do it.

Then the other servant girl showed them their beds.It was just a pillow and a blanket.They were sleeping on the floor like the rest of the servants.


Amia didn't sleep well.Trough her dreams Tyler would always appear.He wouldn't say anything but the look he gave her was judgmental.

But Kyra slept the night without dreams.

They were woken up by those same two servant girls.

-Get dressed, you'll be cleaning the kitchen.-The one with dark black hair said.

Amia and Kyra quickly got dressed and when they gave them scrubs and water they quickly did their job.

After that they had breakfast.The food was poor since they were given a piece of brad with butter on it.

-This is all?-Amia asked sadly.

-We'll get more for lunch, remember you're not on NZ anymore.-The servant girl said.

-NZ?-Amia asked confused.

-The place you were taken away from, we're not allowed to call it by it's full name, but we can sy it shortly like NZ.-

Amia smiled sadly.

When they finished their breakfast they were assigned which part of the palace need to be cleaned.Amia did her job rather unwillingly, Kyra always had to pull her back so that she would clean something she didn't see.

-What's the point anyway.-Amia asked angrily when Kyra pulled her back for the fifth time.

-The longer we're here, the more chances are they won't send us to the king's bedroom.-Kyra whispered.

Soon the same servant girl with dark hair appeared and told them it was time for lunch.

Amia and Kyra were hungry so they quickly went downstairs.

For lunch they had some kind of porridge.It was filling but not very delicious.

After lunch they had some free time.One of the girls was going to be picked to go to the king's bedroom.

The other servants were sure it was going to be either Amia or Kyra but that didn't stop them from applaying make-up.

At 7 pm Zayn showed up at the slave's quarters.He didn't mind the other slaves.He came right to Kyra and Amia.

He slowly glanced at Amia and then at Kyra.

His lips moved and he whispered a name.



Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now