Chapter 3 - Feyre's Point of View

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I hope you enjoy this chapter and are enjoying the story. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have been busy with school and haven't been in the mood to write.

Also I hope you like the amazing cover Anitka_1404 made for me, if you don't follow her then I suggest you should.

I am going to do a competition for covers and who ever is the winner, their cover will be the permanent cover for the story. All the requirements for covers are on the AU before this chapter.

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When we entered the cave, following the blond haired male in front of us, I doubt anyone was prepared for what we saw lying on the ground before us. As gasps echoed throughout the inside of the cave, the golden-haired male that lead us into the cave snapped his head around to face us, placing himself in a defensive stance, separating us from the woman lying on the ground, bleeding out and emitting pained moans. Her limbs were all bent in unnatural ways, blood was seeping out of slashes across her torso and what looked to be whip marks on her back, there were scars all over her body and how she was still alive was beyond me and my friends.

While I was studying the female -who I then realised was Fae because of the pointed ears- I remembered that I was not the only one in the cave and my court and the golden haired Fae male and his companions were in here as well.

"What in the cauldron happened to her?" Cassian all but demanded the blond .haired male before us, at the same time the dark haired Fae -who was uncannily similar to golden haired male besides the hair - demanded to know who the hell we are.

"To answer both of your questions, Connall, these Fae are here to try and help Aelin heal or at least take away some of her pain. And for what happened to Aelin is a long story but I will give you the gist of it. She has been locked up in an iron coffin for close to fifteen years by an evil queen that both Connall and I were forced to serve for a good ninety years or so. She has been whipped, cut open, raped and a whole lot more by the most sadistic Fae you could ever meet. The female next to her is her daughter Evalin, next to her is her twin brother Rhoe. The male that looks very similar to me is my twin Connall and I am Fenrys. So know that you know who we are and what has happened, can you come over and try to heal my friend?" The blond haired male, who my court and I now knew as Fenrys demanded.

While my mate snarled at the blunt disrespect from the male towards me, I knew the male only wanted his friend healed or at least relieve some of her agony, although he knew that it still didn't stop him from glaring at Fenrys, as though he was silently daring him to order my mate again.

Rhys, he only wants us to help his friend. I reminded my mate, after placing my hand soothingly on his arm.

I know that it is just that I can't reach his mind and find out what sort of threat they may pose. All their minds are heavily shielded, even the wounded female's. I can't break their shields and it is worrisome for me because I don't know if they have other intentions. He replied.

I frowned, the fact that we couldn't even look into the minds of these strangers to see what kind of threat they posed to the Night Court, or any courts in Prythian, was worrisome.

While I was still pondering the worrisome thought, I stepped up to heal the fatally wounded female. "I don't know how much I will be able to heal her but I will do my best. Do any of you have a knife or something that I can cut my skin with to draw my blood?" I asked them. The dark haired male, Connall, stepped forward handing me a small blade.

Nodding my head in thanks, I walked towards the female and bent down after slicing my arm. Pressing my blood onto her mouth, I gently coaxed her into swallowing some of it in one of her brief moments of consciousness.

Steeping back, I watched as the bleeding stopped and some wounds began to close and scab up.

Proud of myself for helping the female, I turned back to the others and before I could say anything, Cassian stated " Now that we have helped you, you can tell us what in the cauldron you are doing in our Court?"

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