I Love You Goddamnit

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Here we were again, in the same situation as last week. Daniel had gotten extremely jealous when a young male waiter was giving you very flirtatious looks in a diner you two had gone to dinner at.

That was four hours ago and you two still hadn't stopped fighting since the moment you walked in the door. You tried to talk it out like adults but Daniel was not having any of it. You were trying to keep your calm before you snapped at Daniel and all hell broke loose. It had been too quiet in the house for the last fifteen minutes or so until Daniel walked through the kitchen with a suitcase and his keys.

"Where are you going?" you inquired tiredly as he was tossing things around, looking for his wallet.

"I'm gone Y/N, I can't take the fighting anymore. You said you hated me, so I'm leaving,"

"Daniel, you know I didn't mean that"

"Well it sounded like you did," he shouted over his shoulder, heading toward the garage.

You quickly got up and followed him to the door. As he started loading things in his car, you mind went into panic mode. You couldn't lose him, he was what kept you going and kept you sane so you decided to say the one thing that you two had never exchanged before, "Daniel stop" you shouted with authority.

He spun and shouted back at you, "DON'T tell me what to do,"

"I love you goddamnit, now stop trying to leave me" you shouted at him, your voice breaking, eyes growing wet with tears at the thought of actually losing him.

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