My Profession

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Another day, another criminal to put back into Arkham. They called me Miss Manipulate but that was just something for the papers. Skipping forward a few hours, I had just taken out another drug dealer when the famous Bat dropped from the roof above me. His presence didn't frighten me at all, unlike most people he encountered this late at night. He watched as I picked up everything the dealer had dropped and carefully placed it inside evidence bags I kept in my suit just in case things went south very quickly like this situation.

"What is your name?" The Bat spoke, breaking the tense silence that had filled the air.

"I don't need a name," I spoke quickly, continuing my work. "I live in the shadows, and no one sees me."

He let out a dissatisfied sigh but wasn't going to push me on the matter.

"You don't seem to have a weapon with you, how did you take them out?"

Damn he was nosy but I decided to take the better approach and answer him as quickly as I could so I could leave before being seen.

"You don't need a weapon when you were born one,"

"Ok, so you're an assassin..." he trailed off, trying to put the pieces together. "But if you were an assassin, you would have killed them."

"Not necessarily, even professional assassins have hearts and families. I'm taking these guys out so they can learn a few things in Arkham and hopefully turn themselves around," and with that, I ran off into the night as the Bat heard police sirens in the distance, knowing they were coming for the dealers lying unconscious at his feet. 

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