Professional Criminal

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Finally, after all this time, I get to face my greatest enemy. Daniel Seavey and his team had been trailing me for months on end, trying to capture me at the very least. I was wanted in 17 states for multiple counts of almost anything you could think of; murder, grand theft auto, treason, tampering with evidence and public disturbance are the most common crimes associated with my name.

I believed this was the end of the road for me when they finally caught up with me in an abandoned warehouse hidden in Aspen, Colorado. I looked around the dark warehouse; trying to make sure I didn't corner myself or have any blind spots. Daniel jumped down from the rafter above, landing about 10 feet in front of me, weapon in hand and a determined look on his face.

"You here to finish me off sweetheart?"

All I got in response was a small, quick nod,

"Well I wish you good luck darling," a smirk making its way to my face.

I lunged at him and the fighting commenced, but I noticed that either the others were hiding or he was here alone. I made the mistake of focusing on the thought a second too long and realized there was a knife embedded in my chest. I pulled it out and smiled at Daniel,

"Was that supposed to hurt?"

Daniel looked at me like I had six heads as I threw the knife to the side and lunged at him again, going for the more traditional hand to hand combat.

We were throwing punches and kicks, while dodging to the best of our ability. I finally gained the upper hand on Daniel and kicked his chest, knocking him down...hard.

A look of realization crossed him face and he knew that I had won. Another look of fear crossed his face as he knew he had no weapons and I had the upper hand. He had no idea what I was capable of and he really didn't want to find out. I didn't want to kill him or hurt him anymore than what I had already. I had grown a weak spot for him over the number of weeks and months he and his team had been following me. I glanced away from him for a minute, a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. I decided to follow what my heart said instead of my head and offered him a hand.

Again, he looked at me like I was crazy but against better judgement, took it anyways. I pulled him up and walked away to grab his thrown weapon. As I was walking towards him he broke the tense silence that had feel over the entire warehouse.


"Why what?"

"Why would you help me? You're a known murderer, why not just finish me off and leave me here?"

"I'm not completely heartless Daniel. I just decided to follow what my heart said instead of my head."

"Oh. Well ya know you don't look like a professional criminal,"

"Well, that's what makes me so good at it to be honest," I spoke, finally meeting his intense gaze.

We held eye contact for a minute until Daniel reached out and gently took my hand,

"Come on; let's go get you cleaned up."

And for once in my life, I was ok with being taken care of. Daniel and I strode out of the warehouse hand in hand, and I finally believed I was going to be safe in one place for a while.

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