2/3- Gates

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The city saw their doom in the distance. A great horde crackled with energy and strength. A forgotten force of strength had been released and harnessed. The Varns had been reawakened.

The fortifications had been set off. Ballistas and catapults fired their payloads into the great horde. They had no effect. It would be a battle from the gates.

"Men, there is no turning back. We die for our families." The general shouted. "We cannot doubt our ability."

The ten thousand soldiers inducted into his ranked marched to meet their faceless enemy. The crackling of their bodies grew louder by the second. It seemed their bodies were energy.  The ceaseless march of the Varns led up to the gleaming shield of the militia. The first clash was a crackle of energy and blade.  The militia pushed back into the unrelenting force, but each Varn only reformed.

To save their home, the Oathbreakers are needed.

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