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I really love everyone here. And bry was right our personality's are really similar. But that's a good things cause I can be really weird some times. But it's nice to have people like you. I'll be honest I think Kian is really hot. He hasn't really said anything, and I hope I'm not making it awkward. But he is exactly my type. He's tall he has dark hair and dark eyes. And he has tattoos which I think are really attractive. I think I have a crush already but that can never be a good thing.
Every one was still talking and having fun.
KIAN: how long have you been dancing for
TESSA: umm about 18 years so since I was 2.
KIAN: that's A really long time
TESSA: yah but I love it and my grandma still teaches and she was the one who originally got me into it.
KIAN: seriously. Your grandma still teaches?
TESSA: yah. She should stop tho. We have been trying to tell her but she just won't listen.
BRY: we are gonna have a movie night so two people need to go to the store to get snacks. Hey t is your car filled with stuff.
TESSA: yah there's literally no seats that don't have stuff in them.
BRY: well Kian your the only one who has a car so you and Tessa go to the store.
KIAN: ok what do you want us to get.
BRY: get chips and popcorn and candy and stuff like that.
TESSA: ok let's go
Kian and Tessa got into his car
TESSA: do you have an aux cord
KIAN: yah here
Tessa started Playing music and she played re write the stars from the greatest showman
KIAN: I love this song
TESSA: same
They both started singing and having fun until they got to the store. when they were walking around Tessa heard someone call her name and she turned.
TESSA: omg rik
ERIKA: hi. I already miss you. And who is this😉
She says looking at Kian
TESSA: rik, this is my friend Kian
ERIKA: as in Kian Lawley
TESSA: yah I'm staying at there house. That's were bry lives.
ERIKA: tell her I said hi.
TESSA: oh and Kian this is erika she's on team 10. We are like best friends and had no idea jake was kicking me of
KIAN: nice to meet you
TESSA: are you here alone
ERIKA: no chanthony is here and Martinez
TESSA: ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Martinez came back I have to say hi.
ERIKA: they are in the next isle.
Tessa went and walked up behind them Kian and Erika followed. Tessa jumped on them and they turned around scared
they all hugged and then chanthony came up to them
ANTHONY: omg Tessa. Just so you know literally none of us knew Jake kicked you off and we are all pissed especially nick. He was screaming
TESSA: it's ok.
CHANCE: hey t
TESSA: oh hey chance. Any way it was nice to see you guys but I have to go. We need to buy food.
ANTHONY: who are you here with
Tessa moved out of the way and Kian walked up
KIAN: hi I'm kian
ANTHONY: oh are you Kian Lawley
KIAN: yah
ANTHONY: I've heard of you. It's nice to meet you.
KIAN: yah you too
TESSA: well it was nice to see you we have to go. I'll text you later rik. Bye
They all went separate way and Kian and Tessa were checking out with all there food.
KIAN: you don't have to answer this by what's up between you and chance.
TESSA: oh well he's my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me but no one besides him me and you now, knows that.
KIAN: oh I'm sorry
TESSA: no it's fine. We didn't want to start drama in team 10 so we said we broke up because we didn't want it to be awkward if the relationship ended badly for the rest of the house so we told them we just broke it of before it got to serious. But I mean we were really serious but then he cheated on me
KIAN: I don't know what to say
TESSA: you don't have to say anything it happened a couple months ago.
KIAN: oh ok. Well let's go.
They got in the car with the stuff and started listening to music again. Until Kian turned it down.
KIAN: if you haven't told anyone about you and chance why did you tell me. We literally just met today.
TESSA: I'm actually not sure. I don't know I guess you just seem trust worthy.
KIAN: well I am so I won't tell anyone.
TESSA: bry doesn't even know
KIAN: wow now I feel special
Kian said in a really funny voice. They started laughing and eventually got back to the house. When they went in they gave everyone the stuff and were about to start a movie
JC: what took you so long
TESSA: we ran into some people from team 10
BRY: really who
TESSA: well Erika. Which was fine and then MARTINEZ.
BRY: I love Martinez
TESSA: I know sameeee. I'll miss them. Oh and then I ran into Anthony.... and chance
BRY: ewww really. What happened.
TESSA: we just said hi and that's it.
Tessa and Kian looked at each other and sat down. They were beside each other cause there was no room left on the couch.
Ok so this may seem a little forward but I really like Tessa. Like her personality is great and she's hot and beautiful. I really like her but she definitely doesn't like me. In that way at least.
BRY: we should watch Moana
FRANNY: your literally obsessed with that movie.
TESSA: yah and your obsessed with jac-
Franny jumped on her and covered her mouth.
FRANNY: shut up, Tessa...
TESSA: yah sure thing😂😂
They all started watching moana and it came to the song your welcome. Tessa got up and started singing every word and everyone was laughing.
Thanks so much for reading. I have pre written chapters so there will be more exiting things to come and a bit more about Tessas back story.  I hope you enjoyed!
WORDS: 1055

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