† Five †

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A morning stretch is the best way to wake up, the ones where you curl your toes and squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can all at the same time screeching like a prehistoric dinosaur. Yeah, those are the best.

I opened my eyes, welcomed by Jimin rummaging through my kitchen, the crunching of foil and plastic was all I could hear. A sigh escaped his lips as he slammed the cabinet shut, he placed his hands on his still bare hips. "What do you even eat?" Jimin shook his head in vexation, as he pulled out old freezer burnt chocolate ice cream to satisfy him. He pulled a spoon from the sliding drawer, all my silverware clicking as his fingers fiddled around for the perfect one.

I transferred my attention to my phone, my heart racing as my mind was curious about any newly received messages from the unknown number. Something in the very back of my mind was telling me I should worry about them. But something else told me that it would be dangerous for me to interfere, that I had no place in this. I opened my messages, nothing new for me to worry about. Other than the last message the unknown person sent to me, "From: Unknown 11:00- I'm locking the exits, no ones safe i f I do nt aroddng."

The noticeable struggle at the end of the text, it hit my chest like a train. My body felt almost stiff as my mind meditated on a response...should I even answer and offer them help. This person could be dead, and they came to me for help jut before death.

No...That couldn't of happened. Nothing like that could happen to me, I live a completely boring and normal life....right? I was knocked right out of thought as soon as Jimin placed himself next to me. The mattress lightly kicking me up. I glanced at him, his chubby cheeks full of old chocolate ice cream.

"You look like someone just died, dude. You've been staring at your phone for ever, your eyes haven't moved." He snickered, shoveling the sweet dessert into his mouth.

"Knock Knock"

The door squeaked on its loose hinge from the stern taps. I looked at Jimin baffled, he shook his head to signal he didn't expect anyone. I got up, cleaning myself up by patting down my hair and tugging the end of my T shirt down. I grabbed the ice cold door knob, twisting it till a soft click escaped from it. The door pulled open to unveil a boy with rippled hair, his smile seemed nervous his hands tucked to his sides almost out of view. His brown eyes darted behind me, glancing over the room.

Suddenly movement busted throughout the room, Jimin frantically put on his boxers, the cold spoon full of ice cream trapped between his teeth has he hobbled to get dressed. He sat down the ice cream after completing the task to put on his clothing, planting the silver spoon into the creamy dessert. "T-Teahyung.I'm confused why are you here?"

Teahyungs eyes where transfixed on Jimin, admiration was clearly painted on his blood red face. "How did you even know I was here?" Jimin asked, breaking the silence with his soft voice.

Teahyungs face changed in a second, he seemed to jerk back. His eyes blinked a few times, his mouth moved to speak but no sound left him. He fiddled with his back pocket as he searched in his mind for words. Suddenly a smooth deep voice filled the air, "I wanted to see you again, but-" He handed Jimin a crumbled piece of paper. "Im guessing Jungkook and you are a-"

Jimin cut him off, looking down at the weathered note resting in his small hands. "Did he leave this, Jungkook?"

"It was taped to your door..." He shook his head. Looking at Jimin, then to me, once again back at Jimin. "I was wondering if we could, maybe go on a date... we could do what we used to you know..."

He shook his head, crumbling the paper in his hand, "I have to work today anyways." Jimin mumbled, "I have no time."

Taehyung sighed, reaching into his coat, fishing out a neatly folded piece of paper and placing it in the others hand. "Good bye then." He smiled, and waved letting himself leave and even awkwardly reaching into my apartment to shut the door.

Jimin unfolded the paper, resting against the wall.

"Ill never forget."

† Dirty paws †       {Jhope x Yoongi}  Where stories live. Discover now