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"Has it been three months already?" Newt plopped himself beside Katie.

She stared into the fire, watching ashes shoot out randomly as the boys around her danced and wrestled. It was once again the night to celebrate the new Greenie. Three people have come up since Katie's been here, and it felt like no time has passed. Her fingers tapped along to the beat of the music, and she shrugged.

Katie decided to try her hand at a joke and signed that she was happy the other two Greenies didn't knock her over like Ben did. It succeeded, and Newt let out a small chuckle. She smiled to herself, proud of her work. Newt stretched his left arm across the log that they were leaning on and took a sip of Gally's infamous drink before placing it on the ground.

He signed that he was proud of her and looked into the fire. Katie watched him. "You're getting better at talking to people."

Katie sent him a smile as Gally managed to throw another boy out of the wrestling circle. She signed that Minho helps with talking and looked down at her plate.

She wasn't that hungry; Frypan and her had tried a new recipe and had been taste testing for most of the day. Needless to say, she was full. Katie held out her plate to Newt, offering the last of her beef, but he held up his hand and shook his head.

"You need to eat," he said.

Katie replied that cooking is eating, and Newt sent a playful smile.

"Well, you better eat some more," he teased. "Otherwise, you're going to stay that size."

Katie giggled a bit, and Newt took her food. The two of them sat together. Newt looked at the fire, and Katie stretched her legs out in front of her to match his. Her legs were a lot shorter than his. Maybe she could wear stilts to be taller, although that would be a terrible idea considering she would be falling around everywhere.

Newt pointed at Katie, placed an open palm to his chest, then made a swinging motion with his wrist that would mimic a melody before pointing at Katie's fingers, which were still tapping. Katie nodded.

She placed an open palm on her chest, then used her index and middle fingers to point from her eyes out, then pointed towards Clint and Frypan, who started a duet. The others clapped to the beat around them. Katie smiled, which made Newt happy.

"Why don't you go then?" He pointed his drink towards the dancers, and Katie shook her head.

"I learned to talk," she said to emphasize her point, then drew her hand out in an appropriate motion.

Newt laughed and handed Katie his drink, which confused her.

"Take a sip." He told her. "Liquid courage."

Katie made a face but took the drink nonetheless. She'd tried Gally's secret recipe before and hated the taste, but now she was more open, so maybe she could enjoy it. Katie brought the jar to her lips and downed a gulp; it burned her throat, and the taste was horrid. Her face screwed up in disgust, and Newt laughed loudly beside her.

Katie stuck her tongue out and handed Newt the jar back.

"Wanna dance now?" Newt asked, and Katie looked back towards the boys; now Ben joined the other two. Katie didn't feel any different, aside from a bad taste in her mouth and a lack of liquid courage.

She shook her head and looked back towards the blond. He looked a little disappointed, which Katie didn't like, so instead she turned back towards the others and sat quietly with him.

By now, a few other boys were also dancing, including the Greenbean. Katie didn't know his name, but he looked like he was having fun, which was weird for his first day. After a few minutes, Katie started to feel a little buzz, and her fingers started tapping again and she started nodding her head to the music. Newt noticed this and smirked quietly. He turned his head to where the runners were and caught Minhos' attention silently. He pointed to Katie, and Minho instantly got his message. He nodded and made his way over.

"Hey, Princess." Minho seemingly appeared from nowhere in front of Katie. "Wanna dance?"

Katie looked up at Minho and smiled; he held his hand out, and Katie grabbed it. She was now feeling the effects of the drink; she definitely wasn't drunk, but she was now comfortable enough to go dancing. Minho pulled her up and directed her to the others; he sent a wink at Newt, who held up his jar in a "cheers" motion.

Minho and Katie reached where the other boys were. Minho grabbed both of Katie's hands and held her in front of him, and realization dawned on the girl. She didn't know how to dance.

Minho simply smiled, seeing her expression.

"Stand on my feet." He told her, and Katie looked even more confused. "Just do it."

Katie trusted Minho; she didn't understand his intentions, but she trusted him. So she rose to his feet, as light as a feather.

Katie's confusion was cut off by Minho's dancing; a small squeal escaped her lips.

Minho danced around quickly, with Katie on his feet; she held onto him as he danced her around in a circle and laughed at her. Soon, Katie started getting the hang of it, and she placed one hand on Minhos' shoulder; his hand went to her waist, the other clutching hers as he guided her. Katie giggled as Minho spun her and then continued to prance about. The other boys clapped along to the beat and laughed at the two boys having fun. Katie no longer needed to stand on Minhos' feet as she danced with him.

"Mind if I cut in?" Frypan's voice sounded to Katie's right; she turned to smile at him, and Minho spun her away.

Frypan caught Katie as she giggled more, and the two of them continued the dancing along with some other boys that joined. Frypan laughed, and Katie giggled as he picked her up and spun her. She wondered why she didn't open up sooner; this was such an amazing feeling.

Frypan passed her to Dart, who passed her off to Clint, and then back to Minho.

"Where's Newt?" Katie leaned in close to Minho, whispering.

"Being a Slinthead." He laughed, and Katie searched around for the blond-haired boy.

She discovered him standing and watching her dance, a smile on his face and his foot lightly tapping to the beat.Katie released Minho and left the small dancing crowd to head towards Newt. He wore a small frown as she approached, wondering why she stopped dancing. She looked so carefree, and Newt loved that she was happy.

Katie moved her stuck hair away from her sweaty brow and motioned to the other dancers.She felt the dancing catch up with her as her muscles started to ache. She bit back a yawn.

The smile returned to Newt's face as he shook his head slowly. Katie frowned.

"Not with this bloody limp." He chuckled a bit and crossed his arms.

Katie looked up into his eyes and stood a little straighter, holding her hands up, palms facing inward, before twisting them outward to indicate that she was done dancing.

"You were having fun." He said, and Katie shrugged, finally yawning.

Signing that she was going to go to sleep, Newt nodded in understanding. But Katie didn't move; instead, she clasped her hands behind her back. A few seconds passed with the two just looking at each other, and Newt grew confused.

"Aren't you gonna sleep?" He asked.

Katie cocked her head to the side and pointed at him before looking into his brown eyes. She liked his eyes; they were nice to look at.

Newt pointed at himself in confusion.

The girl pulled her fists into her chest before opening her palm at her forehead and bringing it down to her chin while closing her eyes. She then pointed back and forth between Newt and herself and put her two closed fists together. Newt dropped his arms to his sides.

"Don't you want Minho to sleep with you?" Newt asked, and his eyes flashed to the runner, who was still dancing. Katie shook her head.

Katie signed that she liked it when Newt held her, and Newt chuckled.

"You're the only one in the glade who wants someone to hold them."

Katie shook her head again and held out her hand towards Newt, who looked down at it.

"Please?" she asked.

Newt sighed slightly and took her hand; it was tiny compared to his. Katie turned around and started leading Newt back to the homestead.

"Eventually you've got to sleep by yourself." Newt teased Katie, and he heard her laugh.

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