Alternate ending to Be More Chill

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"Lunch? Just the two of us?" Jeremy said nervously. Christine's smile faltered a bit as her cheeks heated slightly. "Jeremy, I'd love to, but I only like you as a friend. I hate letting down someone as sweet as you. I'm sure there's someone else out there who can love you better than I ever will." Christine smiled softly and gave Jeremy a hug. "O-okay. See you around, Christine." Jeremy said nervously. "See you around, Jeremy."

After school, Jeremy walked to the parking lot to wait for Michael. He soon saw his bright red hoodie bouncing towards him. "So, how'd it go?" Michael asked with forced enthusiasm. "It didn't. She said she doesn't like me that way and basically rejected me." Jeremy said flatly. "Aww bro, she didn't deserve you anyway. Christine's nice and all, but it wasn't meant to be."

"I guess." Jeremy climbed into Michael's car and rested his head on the window. As they drove, Jeremy saw his house whizz by. "Uhh, you passed my house." Michael chuckled softly. "It's been quite some time since we got stoned in my basement." A smile crept onto Jeremy's face. "Let's play Kirby, too." Michael lightly shoved the taller boy. "You got it."

"God damnit I died agaaaaainn!" Jeremy exclaimed, the smell of weed filling Michael's basement. "You're pressing the wrong buttons, Germ. Heere, press these." Michael said. "Those were puns weren't, theyyyy?" Michael laughed loudly and almost fell off the beanbag he sat on. "Maybe." Michael put his hands on Jeremy's and guided his moves. "Thanks, Micha." Michael smiled at the nickname. "No problem, Germ."

After around another half hour of playing Kirby, Michael paused the game. "You know..." he began. Jeremy turned to him, urging him to continue. "There's a guy that I'm so kinda into."


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