Connor Murphy 1

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I love trans!Connor as much as cis Connor tbh

Connor bottoms in Treebros and swaps in Kleinphy.

In Sincerely Three, he's either main top or bottom, and if Evan wasn't middle, he would. It pisses Jared off.

Connor's homoromantic homosexual in Treebros, Sincerely Three, and Kleinphy. Since I don't realls ship any of thse as much as I do Kleinsen, he's aromantic homosexual (i mean in everything but my Steam fic actually. i don't understand either)

Connor's also polyamorous.

Connor's a huge theatre nerd. He vibes with Christine.

His favorite musical is The Book of Mormon.

It reminds him of his friends Kevin and Connor (McKinley. It get's confusing)

Also they're together. Connor MK and Kevin. It's hilarious to Connor.

They've has a threesome before.

Like a lot actually. Connor doesn't want a relationship though.

Connor also has had a threesome with Evan and Jared. They all deny it though.

Connor is a Scorpio.

Connor would protect Zoe with his life.

Connor's first and only boyfriend was Jared. He was totally fine with Connor being aro.

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