Brooke Lhost 1

116 5 4

Pandomantic pansexual

Brooke is a libra

Her first boyfriend was Jamie Wellerstein

Brooke genuinely did like Jeremy

She's currently with Chloe and loves her

Their first date was at Pinkberry

Brooke's favorite colors are pastel yellow and blue

She recently got her hair cut short and died streaks of it black

Chloe thinks it looks sexy

Brooke and Jared Kleinman are really good friends

They'll show up at each other's houses randomly and make fried eggs

It's just a thing they do

No one gets it but them

Bestf Riends

I mean Chloe's Brooke's bestf riend and Evan's Jared's bestf riend but like ya know what I mean

They say no hetero a lot also

Brooke sings along to the Digiorno (idk how to spell it bro) comercial that consists only of the word pan

She'll call Jared every time it's on

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