Chapter 3: Surprise!

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She saw an orchid growing on the side of the steps. She smiled as she reached for it. The orchid was a little far from her reach. She leaned forward a little more but she slipped and almost fell. Two pair of arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. She looked up and saw....

Elsa's eyes widen a little when she saw the teenage brown haired boy who had saved her. His blue eyes was filled with concern as he looked down at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, not paying attention to Elsa's stare.

That voice, thought Elsa as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Um...yes," she said a little nervously. She realised that she was still in his arms. "Huh can you let go now?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Why? I can't hold you anymore?"

Elsa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She didn't know him so why would he say that?

"No you can't," she said, trying not to sound rude. She stood up and moved away from him. She studied him and realised that he maybe around her age or maybe a year older. He was tall and really handsome. His brown hair was messy but it suit him. But what caught her attention the most was his blue eyes.

He flashed her a smile, showing his white teeth, noticing her stare. Elsa looked away.

"You know you could have fell and break your neck," he said, "but luckily I came in time."

"Yes, thank you," said Elsa, looking at his chest, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Who are you exactly?"

He again raised an eyebrow. "You mean you don't recognize me."

"Should I?"

"Hmm, no wonder you didn't want me to hold you," he said, looking down to the ground. After a minute, he looked back at Elsa.

Elsa looked up at him. She kept staring at his eyes to find something. And there it was; she saw a glint in his eyes and three tiny white things that looked like snowflakes.

Only one person has those eyes.

Her eyes widen as she whispered his name, "Jack?"

Jack smiled genuinely at her, "Your one and only."

Elsa couldn't contain her happiness as she threw herself on him, her arms wrapped around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around.

"I missed you," he whispered into her ear.

"I missed you too," she whispered back.

Jack put her down and looked at her; she was smiling at him. "What's with the hair?" She asked.

"I dyed it, so I won't get recognised. And you, nice haircut!"

"Thank you! It's so good to see you!"

Jack let out a sigh as he looked apologetically at her. "I'm sorry Elsa, that I didn't get to see you-"

Elsa shushed him, putting her index finger on his lips. "It's okay, what matters is that I get to see you now."

"And for a whole year."

"What do you mean?"

Jack smiled, "I'll be schooling here with you."

Elsa grinned, she wanted to squealed so badly. "Really? Are you allowed?"

"Yeah, my mom talked to my dad about it. It took a while but he agreed.''

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