Chapter 5: Can't Stop The Feeling

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Everyone remained silent as the two boys stared at each other.

Elsa watched them. Something seems to be off about those two, she didn't know what? She studied both their expressions. Jimmy had a frown on his face while Jack's was expressionless.

What is wrong with those two? They've just met but yet they're giving each other dead glares.

Elsa took hold of Jack's hand breaking him off of his stare. Jack glanced down at Elsa before looking back up at Jimmy. He brought out his other hand and gave it to Jimmy for him to shake. Jimmy looked down at his hand, and back up at him. He took out his hand from his pocket and shook Jack's hand.

At that gesture, the girls calmed down a little bit.

Jimmy pulled back his hand. He looked at Elsa who had on an uneasy look. With a sigh he walked past them with Zach and Mason.

"What was that all about?" Asked Anna, looking confused as the rest of the girls.

Elsa looked up at Jack, waiting for an answer or something.

Jack gripped Elsa's hand, but not hard enough to hurt her. "Let's go."

"But-" Jack pulled her along as the boys followed behind.

"Are you girls coming?" Asked Hiccup, turning to them.

"Huh no," said Punzel. "We got different classes."

When Hiccup was gone, Punzel turned to Anna and Merida. "Something's not right."

"I'll say," said Merida. ''If looks could kill, I'll be planning Jack's funeral by now."

"What's Jimmy's problem anyway?" Asked Anna.

"Who knows?" Said Punzel, walking ahead. "But I'm sure as heck don't want to find out."

Elsa came in her class with Jack, behind her.

"Elsa, late again," said Mr Simon, turning to her.

"I'm sorry," said Elsa with an apologetic look.

"So is your friend?" Mr Simon's eyes looked behind Elsa to see the brown haired guy.

Some guys in the class wolf whistled, winking at Elsa while the girls looked dreamingly at Jack.

Elsa's face turned red.

It's not what they think!

"You may sit down," said Mr Simon, hastily.

Elsa sat on her previous seat as Jack sat next to her. Elsa looked to her left and noticed that the seat was empty.

Jimmy hasn't shown up yet?

She looked at Jack who was looking at the board, although it seemed that he was in deep thought.

It was lunch time and Elsa and Jack came in to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was really big, it seemed that all the students in DDWMS were there.

"Wow," said Jack, letting is eyes roam around the big room. "So this is what a school cafeteria looks like."

"Yeah," said Elsa. "We better find the gang."

"Oh they're right there," Jack pointed to the corner.

"Whoa," Elsa smiled at Jack, impressed that he was able to find them in seconds.

They came over to the gang.

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