The platform

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'Means mentally speaking'
'HOW IN THE WORLD DO WE GET ONTO THE PLATFORM!' I yell in my mind "every year packed with muggles, come on platform nine and three quarters this way" Lilac and I here a lady say we watch in astonishment as Harry and the family go through the wall and disappear "well if I die I just want you to know that it was me that stole your hat here it is" Lilac says giving the hat to me "thanks I did the same, here's your hat" I say giving hers back "okay on 3" I say
"1" Lilac starts
"2" I continue
"3!" We yell in unison
"Well we didn't die?" Lilac states "yeah, ooh I know a prank we can play on the  students" I tell her the plan mentally so no-one can overhere us we get on the train and find an empty compartment "in here" Lilac says we get in and 2 boys from the big family walk in "hello" one says "I'm Gred nice to meet you" says the other "and I'm Forge" says the first "hello Fred and George, my name is Lilac and this is my twin Ivy it's nice to meet you" I say and they stare at me in astonishment "m-may we si-sit he-here" Fred stutters "sure" Lilac says smiling her veela smile at him and they both open and close their mouths like fish.

"uh" George says stuttering "are you first years" he finishes "yes we are" I say "what house do you want to be in?" Fred asks us "house?" I ask starting the prank "beuxbatons doesn't have houses" Lilac finishes "what are you going to beuxbatons?" George asks "uh yeah, why?" Lilac asks "because this is the train to hogwarts"  Fred says "uh-oh" we say in unison then crack up laughing "you should've seen your faces" I say to them "wait what?" They say thoroughly confused "we're going to hogwarts as well but we tricked you into thinking that we were going to beuxbatons, you're faces were priceless!" Lilac explains "get ready for revenge" they say creepily "oh don't worry darling I've got it covered and don't put pink hair die in our shampoo we hate pink" I say we actually have always wanted to have pink streaks in our hair so they'll think we hate pink "I'm going to go get changed coming Ivy?" I ask Lilac and we go to the bathroom and change when we come back Lilac is about to go back in to the compartment when I subtly stop her and smile the veela smile at one of the boys and he comes to me but when he goes through the door he gets soaked in water "nice try boys" we say "so friends"I ask them "no matter what" they answer and we all shake hands and then we sit down for a couple of minutes then we get to the station and we get of the train

"firs' years 'ver here" we here dad saying "daddy!" We yell running over to him "hey Ivy and Lilac have ya made any friends" he says and we nod "and let me guess you did a prank on someone?" He says as we climb into a boat together and we nod again "who?" "Fred" I say "and" we both say "George" Lilac says "what did ya do to 'em this time?" He questions "well we pretended that we were supposed to go to beuxbatons and we also swapped our names but they haven't figured out the second one" we explain "duck yer head now" he tells everyone "I almost feel sorry for the pranksters they do the pranks they've never been pranked themselves so that's a first.

We walk into the entry hall Minerva McGonagall talks blah blah blah we walk into the hall I only listen to four names: Harry Potter:Gryffindor, Azumi Merlin: Slytherin, and us we were called up at the same time

Better be...
674 words
I'm amazing

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