A kiss which hurts you.

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(A/N): Hey guys!
Welcome back to new series of Dolan twins.
This is the Continuation of my first book.
'Falling for Dolan twins'
If you haven't read it already!
Check it out so that you can understand this book more better.
A few months later....

You and James spent lots of time together since he got back.

You and gray had gotten closer too but he doesn't seem like himself ever since James arrived on the scene.

Gray always acts really jealous when James is around even though he has nothing to worry about, you loved Grayson - not James.

James was a tall guy.
He has a nice jawline.
He has a nice smile.
He has a good fashion sense.

"I still can't get over how much you've changed" you smiled

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"I still can't get over how much you've changed" you smiled

"Do I really look different?!" James laughed.

"Yes! You look so much more grown up" you said.

"Hey babe" Grayson said, kissing you on the cheek.

"Hi baby, James and I were about to watch a movie, do you want to join us?" you asked.

"I would love to...unless I'm not wanted of course" Gray said while looking at James.

"Don't be silly, come cuddle with me on the couch" you implied.

Your head was on Grayson and your legs were on James.

You were lying on your back so your head faced up towards.

Gray, he places millions of tiny kisses all over your face as you smiled up at him.

Grayson was being really cute.
He was playing with your fingers while holding your hand.

He even gave you a head massage while you were watching the movie.

I don't think he noticed that James was giving you a foot massage too.

After the movie, Grayson asked "Babe, do you want to have
dinner with me and Ethan later.

I would love to but what about James?"you said.

"He has a family, he can have dinner with them" Gray implied.

"He's right, I haven't left your side since I've got here. You need some alone time" James claimed.

"Thank you James, that's very considerate to you " you smiled.

"Yeah, you're soo great!" Grayson said sarcastically.

James let's out a short laugh before spitting at Grayson.

"DUDE ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Gray snapped.

"That's a nice look on you, you should go around like that more often" James joked.

Grayson let out a deep breath, almost like a growl.

He moved your head off him and stood up.

"Get up" Gray told James

"What?No!" James said.

"GET UP!" Gray ordered.

"OK OK, fine" James claimed.

"Grayson stop, this is ridiculous" you said.

James stood up in front of Grayson, he was slightly taller than him.

"So you think you're funny guy, don't you?" Gray said.

"Well I describe myself as hilarious" james smiled.

"Well let's see how 'hilarious' you are when you're unconscious" Gray implied.

Grayson swung at James and hit him directly in the jaw.

James stumbled backward "you have a good hit" James grinned.
James punched Grayson across the face and his nose started bleeding.

Gray wiped some blood off his face and hit James in the stomach making him fall.

"Was that good enough?" Gray smiled as he kicked James on the floor.

"Grayson stop" you said pulling him back "he's had enough"

You bent down next to James and make sure he was OK

"He's fine" Gray said all he needs is an ice-packing and he'll be brand new"

"You went too far" you sighed as you got James an ice-pack from the freezer.

"Too far would've been knocking his teeth out" Gray smiled.

"Anyway, he was asking for fight" Gray said "Did you forgot that he spat on me"

You helped James get up "I'll bring him home.

"Bye James!" Gray grinned.

Yeah...see you around"James implied.

"I'm sorry about Gray" you said as you drove James to his house

I should be the one saying sorry,I was been totally disrespectful "James admitted.

" I guess but there was still no need of Grayson to act the way he did"you said.

"Are you sure Grayson is the right guy for you?" James asked

"What?yeah, he's amazing! You said " he's all I've ever wanted in a guy.

"Don't get me wrong, you seem really happy but he got violet really quick" James implied.

"I just don't want him to get violent with you" he sighed.

"Gray would never hurt me, he loves me"

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?" He smiled.

"I don't know what are you talking about!Gray is the guy I'm going to spend the rest of my life with" you said.

"Why are you asking me this questions anyway?" You sighed.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt" James sighed.

"That's really sweet of you" you smiled as you touched his arm.

You arrived at James house and gave him a hug goodbye but as you away, James put his hands against your face.

Without warning,James leaned into try and kiss you.

You pulled away before his lips could meet yours"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I'm sorry, i though it's what you wanted"James claimed.


"Y/n I don't think Grayson is the right guy for you" James admitted.

"GET OUT OF MY CAR!" you yelled.

You couldn't comprehend what just happened

"Does he actually like me or was he just trying to get revenge on Gray" you thought
(A/N): Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
Let me know what you think about it.
Also thank you very much for being patient. I know I m updating late. But next chapter will be out by tonight.

Falling for Dolan Twins -Season 2Where stories live. Discover now