The New girl

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"I don't care if they saved your life" Casey snarled.
"You don't have a choice"

"Actually I do" you grinned before slapping Casey across the face.

"I've been waiting for you to do that!" She smirked.

"ETHAN!" She screamed as she threw herself down on the floor.

"What are you doing" you asked.

"Y/n, what the hell did you do?" Ethan said angrily
"Did you bit her?"

"Ethan, she doesn't like you. She's here to take me away from you" she pleaded.

"Omg! You really think I'm going to believe that?" Ethan exclaimed.

"Yes, because it's the truth!" You claimed.
"Grayson, you believe me, right?"

"I don't know? It's little hard to believe" Gray admitted
"Why would she want to do that?"

"Because the fans don't like us together" You said.
"You're losing followers because of me"

"SHUT UP! Ethan yelled
"You could have at least came up with a better lie"

"Dude, I believe y/n" Grayson said.
"Do you really think she would lie to her best friend?"

"I didn't think she would but now I'm not so sure" Ethan claimed.

"Bro you've known y/n a bit longer than Casey, why don't you believe her?" Gray asked.

"It doesn't make sense Casey would never do that" Ethan sighed.

"I think I know what happening here" Gray said.
"You're still in love with y/n aren't you?"

"WHAT? NO!" Ethan claimed.

"You're protecting Casey because you need her to help you get over y/n" Gray implied.

"You have no idea what you're talking about Grayson" Ethan said.

"I know you're in love with her" Gray insisted.

"SHUT UP!" Ethan yelled he attacked Grayson with a punched to his chin.

Ethan's second punch hit Grayson in the stomach making him double over.

"Ethan stop! You don't have to do this" you begged, but Ethan didn't listen.

Ethan pulled Grayson up, almost tearing the could hear the slight rasp of material ripping.

Ethan slammed Grayson into the wall and began landing solid punches into Grayson gut

"I can't handle you right now" Ethan said
"I'm going back to NJ for awhile"
Ethan glanced at Grayson before walking out.

"What are you waiting for?" You snapped at Casey

"Babe, are you OK?" You asked.

"It's little hard to breathe but I'll be fine" he wheezed.

"Did Ethan seriously say he's  running away back to NJ after HE beat ME up?" Gray said.

"Yeah I think so" you implied.

"I have to go after him" Gray heaved
"He can't leave me behind"

"Maybe you guys need some time apart?" You suggested
"You're always together"

"No, he's my brother, he's my best friend" Gray sobbed
"I can't live without him"

"Grayson he'll be back in a few days" you explained.
"And I'll be here in the meantime".

Grayson started crying and it broke your heart.


You felt every word as he buried his head in his hands.

A tear rolled down your cheek as you lifted Grayson's head until he was looking at you.

"Everything's going to be OK.... I promise" you said.

"I love you" he sobbed
"What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you,?"

"I'm lucky one" you said
"I have a smoking hot boyfriend!"

"You're right I'm pretty fantastic" Gray joked.

You wiped the tears from Grayson's eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

"You'll be OK... Trust me" you whispered.

The next day.....

When you woke up, Grayson was gone.

You tried ringing him all you found was his phone on the couch.

You tried to think where he could be as you drove around looking for him.

You found him sitting on a rock at the edge of a hiking trail.

You found him sitting on a rock at the edge of a hiking trail

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"Grayson ? What are you doing out here?" You questioned

"I had to clear my head, so I came here" he sighed
"Do you remember that we made our relationship official on this rock?"

"Of course I remember" you smiled
"I'll never forget that day.

" it was the day I realised I was in love with you" you added.

"It also the day I got laid!" Gray joked.

"You're such an idiot" you laughed

"But it makes it easier for me to love you!" He smiled

"Are you not cold? You're barefoot" you said.

"I'm freezing" Gray smirked
"But I kinda like it up here"

"Push over, I'll warm you up" you suggested

You cuddled up next to Grayson and held his hand as you tried to warm him.

You and Grayson watched the sunrise from the hill, it was beautiful.

               *the end*


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this series.
I want to know would you like season 3 of this book or not please let me know in the comment box.
Hope you enjoy reading it😘😘
Hope you had/have a great day.

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