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It was late afterschool Donghyuck had just gotten home. He went up to his room feeling as tired as ever but when he opened the door to his room Jaemin was laying on his bed playing with his brand new camera.

"Hey, don't touch what's not yours" Donghyuck snatched the camera from Jaemin's hand.

"Why do you have so many pictures of this blonde guy?" Jaemin questioned

Donghyuck's face went red "that's none of your business"

"Are you a stalker?" Jaemin asked

"Jaemin would you just please get out of my room!" Donghyuck raised his voice a little

"Okay jeez" Jaemin got up from Donghyuck's bed and left his room.

Donghyuck was used to this by now. He has been living with Jaemin's family for a while now since he was officially adopted. Jaemin has gotten used to him but still asks him questions once in a while.

Donghyuck laid on his bed looking through his camera to make sure Jaemin didn't delete any of his photos which were just mostly of a blonde haired boy named mark. Donghyuck had always admired Mark but would never have the courage to talk to him.

Donghyuck fell asleep while looking through the photos. His camera laid out on his chest while he slept.


Donghyuck woke up at about 3 Am. He hated that sometimes he'd wake up around that hour because he had anxiety and could not fall back to sleep. He would always hear weird sounds like the floor boards creaking on there own or tapping on the windows. He would just brush it off as him being to paranoid because of his anxiety.

He got up from his bed and approached Jaemin's room. He entered knowing Jaemin would be asleep. He was too afraid to sleep alone so he crawled into Jaemin's bed laying next to the sleeping boy. He felt safe when someone one was next to him. Donghyuck drifted back to sleep.

It was morning now and Jaemin was the first to wake up. He noticed Donghyuck asleep next to him. He was used to this by now he knew how afraid Donghyuck could get at night.

He shook Donghyuck awake.

"Wake up Hyuck, we have to get ready for school."

Donghyuck opened his eyes and saw Jaemin shaking him.

"Okay, okay I'm up"

Jaemin stopped shaking him.

Donghyuck got out of the bed and went to brush his teeth and so did Jaemin.

While Jaemin was brushing his teeth he remembered something.

"Oh Hyuck, you know that blonde guy you have pictures of in your camera?"

"Pictures that you shouldn't have seen, but yea why?"

"Well we're brothers now I'm only looking out for you to make sure you don't hang out with the wrong people. But anyway I sent a picture of him to my boyfriend and he said that he knows him and he can put in a good word for you."

Donghyuck was rinsing his mouth and almost chocked.

"No! No way I don't want him to put in a good word for me or whatever"

Jaemin also rinsed his mouth

"Why not, it's pretty obvious you like him"

"And who told you that?"

"Your journal did"

"Jeez can you respect my privacy?"

"There should be no secrets kept from your brother"

"You aren't really my brother" Donghyuck said coldly before leaving the bathroom to get dressed.

Donghyuck did feel bad for what he said since Jaemin has always treated him with kindness. This wasn't like any other temporary house he's been in where he'd be treated poorly. But truly Donghyuck never believed that this would last long he believed that they would get tired of him eventually.

Ok small start but I'm gonna have fun with this book <3

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