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Luna: I took a deep breath, reminding myself to stay calm, as I ripped the bottom of my shirt off, wrapping it tight enough around his wrist. Now, for a doctor. It was around 12:30, so I doubt any doctor offices would be open. We needed a hospital. I grabbed his unconscious body, and hoisted him onto my back. "Hold on tight" I whispered, beginning to run. I ran around the small village, searching for something. Something to help him. I stopped at an older looking building. There was a sign in front of it reading, Dr. May. Pediatrician. I noticed a light on, and ran up to the door, banging on it loudly, while making sure my ears and tail weren't showing. I heard footsteps, and the door unlocked, and peeked open.

Semira: "S-SIR!" That was all I needed to say. Within the next minute we were dragged into the man's home and Joshua was placed on a... table? "Umm sir..." I asked with a questioning tone "Why is he on a table?" As I waited on an answer I decided to sit on a nearby chair. When i descended to the chair, it was like magic! The cushions were the most plush thing i had ever sat on, and the style on the cloth was beautiful and matched the wooden room quite nicely. It was a nice forest green with beautiful embroidery in a slightly darker tone.

Luna: "Well, would you like me to put him on the floor, ma'am? I will" He said, smirking up at me. "Ah... no. No, that's okay" I sighed, looking out the window. "If you would Miss...--" "June" "Miss June, if you would, go sit in the waiting room while I tend to him" He said, pointing at a door. I got up, and sat in the 'waiting room'. I was finally drifting off to sleep, around an hour later, when the door opened, making me jump and grab the edges of the seat. "Didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to inform you that your boyfriend--" "Boyfriend?! Oh, no! No no no no no! He's not-- we're not! I'm not--" "My bad, miss. I just figured... well, nevermind that. He lost quite a bit of blood, and it won't be the easiest recovery or fix, but I'm nearly positive he'll be okay" The man said. "Nearly positive? Oh, that means... you're not positive?" "No, ma'am" He replied, going back into the room.

Semira: I sat there a little longer, about fifteen minutes i think, waiting for that idiot to come out. As I waited I started to miss the really comfy chair in the office for some, extremely odd reason. I sat there in a daydream-like state until i saw the man come out with a queasy half dead looking Joshua. I giggled at the sight, He was tripping over thin air having to grab the man's coat just for support. In all honesty I was surprised he hadn't broken anything... yet. I stood up and briskly made my way over to where the fumbling boy was, and slung his arm around my neck to help him with his stability. As I prompted him to put his weight on me and not the man I turned towards his healer and thanked him, and with that we started out of the building into the chilling cold.

Luna: Even with my help he still stumbled a bit. "Be careful" I said snappily, as he slipped a bit on the snow. He looked up at me and smirked. "Thanks" He whispered, continuing on with me. I blushed a bit, unsure at why I was even blushing. "You're welcome... wait, for what?" I asked. "You could've left me there. Let me bleed to death. Yet, you got me to Mr. Creepy" He smiled. "Well, I don't think the world wants to wake up and see a dead man, do you?" I asked sarcastically. "I suppose not" He said, looking away from me, still smiling. "But thanks anyway" He said, using the hand that was wrapped around my shoulder to gently pull my hair. "Stop" I snapped, flipping my hair. "Just trying to lighten the mood, miss snappy" He sighed, rolling his eyes. I rolled my eyes back, and huffed.

Semira: We continued to walk, but as we did I had no idea where we was going and I was not about to let me pride down and ask for help from HIM, so I tried to remember everything from the time of me running around the village like a madman, but this section I had never been to so we just kept walking... "Hey kitten do you even know where you're going?" He asked me with a hint of listlessness in his tone. "AH! O-OF COURSE I DO! WHO DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?!" I wasn't about to hit him even though I REALLY wanted to, I mean he is hurt isn't he? "Sorry but you just didn't seem to know where on earth you were, so i just asked to make sure we weren't gonna fall to our deaths in some random pitt." He said the last part with a slight bit of playfulness in his voice. "humph!" I replied and sped up my pase, dragging him behind me.

Luna: "Woah, slow down, I still can't see properly" He said, making me slow down. Why was I acting like this? Why was/am I concerned? Why didn't I leave him? Why am I now walking here, he leaning on my shoulder, as I walked through an unknown village? "Uhmm... you sure you know where you're taking us?" He asked, looking over at me. "Yes, of course, I do" I said, holding my chin high. "Okay, just asking because now we're in the neighboring village" He said, shrugging his shoulders. I blushed, and turned around. Sure enough, I had passed a sign saying 'Welcome to blah blah blah'. "I-- I knew that. Just making sure you still have your senses" I said, walking back into the proper village. "Suuuree" He sighed.

WE HOPE YOU GUYSSS ENJOYEDDD XD (what are we doing with our lives XD)

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