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Luna's Note: Haiii!

 Luna: {Joshua's POV} I could only watch with deep regret, and deep hatred for Akuma, as she ran out the door. I wanted to run after her, stop her, and apologize, but I didn't. I can't. It's too embarrassing. I turned to Akuma, trying to remain calm. He looked over at me, anger burning in his eyes, but I'm not sure what I've done for him to be mad at me. I had a billion reasons to be angry at him. "Are you going to get her?" He asked me coldly. "Why? What's the point? She'll be mad. You'll take her away from me. Like you always do... Why is it... that you always take away my joy? Nearly everything that brings me comfort... someone that I can talk to comfortably... even if they hate my guts like June does... and... even if they didn't... like she didn't" I said, fists clenching tightly, and anger boiling out of my control. "I. Do. Not." Akuma growled. "YES. YES, YOU DO! WHY DO YOU DO IT?! WHY DID YOU TRY TO TAKE JUNE FROM ME?! WHY DID YOU TAKE AVA FROM ME?! WHY'D YOU DO IT?! HUH?! ANSWER ME!!" I yelled, grabbing him by his collar, and pulling him to my height, outraged. "BECAUSE YOU GET EVERYTHING!! YOU ALWAYS GET SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU!! WHAT IF I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME?!" Akuma yelled back, not bothering to get out of my grip, seeing as he wanted to seem intimidating. "AND THAT... THAT IS WHY I LOSE EVERYONE I LIKE!!" I screamed, tears beginning to fill my eyes, as I choked up. "Darn crybaby..." He muttered, tearing my hands off his shirt, pushing me back, and walking out of the door. I sunk to the floor, feeling helpless, as memories came back, more painful then they were when it happened.

Semira: The memories flashed through my mind in a dizzying, sickening manner. I felt my head spinning, my throat parched from the screaming, and my face sticky from the few tears that had managed to slip past my conscious state. My throat started to pound as it begged for a single drop of water to sooth its dryness. As I tried to get up my mind was somewhere else, so I put one leg under the other. This didn't end up very well... when I did this I felt my body weight shift from being underneath me and shoot me forward. My face kissing the cold hard ground. I sat up quicker than I had in a long time, the tears returning and my face growing into a deep blush even though I knew that I was alone, with no one in the room or remotely near me. I tried once more at standing and surprisingly succeeded. I got up and went to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, and stared, just stared out of the window feeling a new round of tears trying to break free. I rubbed my eyes forcing them to stay in and started to drink the water relieving my hurting throat.

Luna: I tried to stop myself from reliving all those painful memories by chugging the water, and focusing outside. My head began pounding harder from the force I was using to stop the memories from flooding in. I sat down at the table, laying my head down, and taking a deep breath. I shut my eyes tightly as the memories of my lost love broke through. I remember first meeting Ava. Her red hair shimmered in the sunlight, and her green eyes sparkled happily. She was beautiful. "I HATE YOU, AKUMA!" I yelled, forgetting to hold the tears back, as they came sliding down my face. "I hate you..." I muttered, remembering what he did, and questioning how jealousy could be taken to that high of a level of betrayal. Akuma was my friend... how could I 'friend' do that? "You weren't my friend were you?" I asked no one. I remembered how Akuma had smiled that smile that used to make me happy. Happy that I had such a good friend. Now that smile only brings hatred and grief to my heart. He took Ava with him. 'Come on, we're friends... it's rock-climbing... don't worry, mate, I won't steal your girl'. "LIES" I yelled, slamming my fists onto the table. I have never felt this amount of anger. He took Ava to the top. Then, he gave me a look that made my heart sink. He took Ava, kissing her boldly, and surprising her. She gently pushed him off, and tried to take a step backwards. But there was nothing to step on. Running as fast as I could to catch Ava. Then I saw June and started running as fast as I could to get to her. Watching Ava hit the ground, and then watching as June faded from my sight.

{June's POV}

I slowed my running after many minutes, wiping the confused tears that had found their way down my face. I stood panting, and checking my surrounding. I... have no idea where I am... I jumped, hearing a twig snapping. "H-hello?" I called out, voice wavering. Fear began to sink in, remembering how magical this forest was. Full of mythical creatures. I heard a growl from behind me, and I quickly turned around, shaking like crazy. "Who's there?" I asked bravely. "I could be asking the same thing" A male voice replied, a mischievous tone in his voice. "Dex, I suggest you stop that... she's Akuma's friend" A familiar voice said. That cat! "Friend? I'm not his friend! I'm not Joshua's friend either! I have no friends!" I yelled angrily. "Oh, that's sad" The man purred, stepping into what little light I had, revealing his features. He was tall, had bright blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. His skin was pale, probably because of the lack of sunlight this deep into the forest, and it shone in the light that was there. What truly caught my attention were the cat ears set atop his head, and the swishing tail behind him. I was so preoccupied by his cat-like features, that I allowed mine to come into view. "Ah, a neko too? How delightful" He smiled, his sharp canines showing, as he stepping up to me. "Hello, miss, I am Dex... and who might you be?" He asked sweetly, kissing my hand. I yanked it away, placing my hands on my hips. "Listen, buddy, I'm not much for the fancy crap you're pulling. I'm just trying to get away, so allow me to go on my way" I scowled, beginning to walk ahead. "Uh, be careful, that's the direction of the gnomes" Dex warned me. I scoffed. What could small little gnomes do to me? I continued on, ignoring his warning. 

OOooh, cliffhanger!!

So, I (it's Luna, bro) wrote a lot... heh... I COULDN'T HELP IT!! SHUT UP TT^TT

go away


   Luna   (and Semira too, I guess)

* goes back to listening to music *

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