
17 1 4

Luna: I'm not sure how long I was there, all I remember was drifting into a nice sleep. I woke to the sound of pounding at the front door, and blindingly bright light shining into the room. I heard the front door open, and a familiar gruff voice. "I think she dropped this..." I heard Akuma. "Oh, okay, thanks" I heard Joshua yawn, and I could tell he was stretching. "Go brush your teeth" I heard Akuma mumble. "Speak for yourself" Joshua retorted. "Oh, is this an argument I sense?" I thought, crawling to the door to listen better.

Semira: I pushed my ear to the door in order to hear what they were saying better. I could tell that they were trying to whisper, but i think they forgot that I had the same hearing ability as a cat and could hear them as clear as day. I chuckled to myself with this thought and kept listening.

Luna: "Well... just get on with your life" Akuma growled, turning around. "Says the one living in a small house in the forest, along with a billion other creatures" Joshua chuckled. "Wait... there are other creatures living there?" I asked myself. " I CAN'T HELP MY STATE OF LIFE! UNLIKE YOU, HUNTER BOY!" Akuma snapped. "You think I can help mine any more than you yours? I can't, dummy! The most I can do is hunt and turn them in, and get money in return! It's a small pay, too! There are so many hunters in this small village, the most I can get is a few bucks for getting any, because there are already many others who need money too! So, grow up and realize that!" Joshua yelled. "I need to grow up?! At least I look like a man! You look like some 12 year old! So, just go back to your mommy!" Akuma said, and I could tell he had his fists clenched tightly. Heh, go back to his mommy? What kind of insult is that? Mom is awesome. "NEWS FLASH, I DON'T HAVE A MOM! SHE'S DEAD! A-and you?! I KNOW YOU HAVE PARENTS! I'VE SEEN THEM!". Josh doesn't have his mom?... It got strangely quiet, making me feel rather uncomfortable.

Semira: I shifted to a more comfortable position as I heard the front door slam shut and then a slight gasp escape Joshua's lips as I heard his footsteps near the door I had been hiding behind. I jumped back into the bed making as little noise as possible, and had just relaxed under the covers when I heard the door creak open to reveal Joshua peeking through the door to look at my 'sleeping' frame. When he saw that I was still in the bed with my eyes closed, he walked up to me, pulling a chair up to the side of the bed, and sat in it. From the way I had laid down, my body was facing him and my hand was just peeking out from under the comforter. He took it and squeezed it gently with his shaking hand. It took all I had to not cringe at his cold touch, but I kept still allowing him to sit there, shaking. A part of me wanted to quit my fasade and comfort him, while the other part just wanted to go back into the world of dreams. This conflict continued within me until I heard him whimper and something colder than the air around us drip onto my pale skin. I slightly opened one of my eyes, this only ended in revealing a crushed person, looking as though he was trying with all of his might to take back his tears and still look strong. That was when I couldn't take it any longer. My body acted without my acknowledgement and flipped my hand over taking his hand in mine and wrapping him in a tight embrace.

Luna: I heard him gasp, but I ignored it, and hugged him tighter. I wasn't expect a reaction. He's just going to be like a lot of boys and push me away, or decline my hug, but... instead, he hugged me back. I couldn't help but smile, as he sobbed into my shoulder. It wasn't funny... it's just... boys don't really cry. So, it was kinda funny... but, still, I feel somewhat bad for him. I mean, losing family is probably really hard. "Hey, shh, it's okay" I whispered, rubbing his back gently, beginning to feel rather awkward. He sniffled, and buried his head into my hair. Oh, gosh, he's gonna get my hair all tear-covered. But, I guess, I can give him a pass this time. I pat his back gently, quite unsure on what to do. I felt his hands clenched into weak fists, as his grip tightened.

Semira: He broke away from the hug and looked me straight in the eyes and before I knew what he was thinking, I felt a pair of warm lips against mine. I sat there in shock wondering what to do. I didn't kiss back, I just sat there, staring at his closed eyes. He broke apart and looked at me. (a/n Hey so Semira here I have no idea how to actually do this cause I actually ship June and Akuma sooo LUNA YOU BETTER BE THANKFUL!!!)

Luna: (A/N: * is very thankful * ^^) I heard someone clear their throat, and my eyes darted towards the door leading to the hallway. "I came to say... sorry. BUT NEVERMIND! YOU-- YOU... AGH!" Akuma yelled, running up to Joshua. "AND WHY DID YOU BREAK INTO MY HOUSE?!" Joshua asked, glaring up at Akuma. "BECAUSE THE FRIGGIN DOOR WASN'T SHUT COMPLETELY!". "I hate you, Joshua! YOU KNOW THAT?!" Akuma yelled at Joshua, grabbing my wrist, and dragging me away. "W-what the heck are you doing?!" I asked, trying to yank my wrist away. Akuma said nothing, and pulled me up to him, smashing his lips against mine. W-what? This again? "AKUMA!" I heard Joshua exclaim.

Semira: I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but i could as my strength was failing along with my breath. I felt a tug at my arm, but it did nothing to free me. Another tug that almost felt like pull, and then one last yank was what freed me from Akuma's rough hands. I fell backwards onto Joshua but soon had jumped back to my feet and started to back away in a slow, cautious motion. I saw each of them looking at me, Joshua's was regretful, while Aku's was full of something that couldn't have been found by just looking at his exterior. "I-". That was all I allowed either one of them to say before I turned on my heels, and ran into the nearest forest. Not realizing that it was the one Akuma roamed. "That stupid girl." Akuma said although I was to far away by now to hear him.

(A/N OHHHH This was quite the chapter !!! Semira didn't mean to make them kiss so early on in the story but everything just matched up, so she did it XP)

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