three - not another one

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Another meme made by me ☝️Maybe I should quit writing and be super successful as a meme creator


Anakin and Al'Lyssandra stared at each other, shocked for a short moment, before chasing after Obi-Wan. "Stay here!" Anakin instructed a terrified Padmé.

As the Jedi ran outside, Padmé's handmaiden stormed in to comfort her, followed by Captain Typho.

Al'Lyssandra and Anakin took the elevator to get to the 70th floor, where some speeders parked. The doors opened and Al'Lyssandra headed to a bright yellow vehicle. "This one!" she yelled.

Anakin showed his approval with a quick nod and jumped onto the driver's seat. Al'Lyssandra hurried to climb in. Without hesitation they sped off trying to find Anakin's master.

The girl frantically searched for Obi-Wan within the traffic. Finally she caught a glimpse of the droid he was holding on to. "He's over there!" she screamed and pointed her finger in his direction. Anakin saw him, too and flew even faster.

A shot suddenly hit the droid and Obi-Wan fell. Anakin reacted immediately and went into plummet.

He caught Obi-Wan, who landed in the back of the speeder. He scrambled towards the seats. Al'Lyssandra felt quite cramped with three persons, two being grown men, in a speeder made for two people. But that wasn't the time to complain.

"What took you so long?" asked Obi-Wan from his place on Al'Lyssandra's right side, slightly out of breath.

"Oh, you know, Master, I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked..."

Anakin was interrupted by Obi-Wan. "There he is." He was referring to the bounty hunter they were chasing.

"...with the open cockpit and the right speed capabilities," the Padawan continued being sassy.

"If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you do your wit, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman," a distressed Obi-Wan said.

"I thought I already did."

"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice."

The bickering stopped when Anakin had to concentrate to make it through the other vehicles flying towards them. They couldn't afford to loose the assassin in the traffic. They needed to catch him before something worse could happen to the senator.

Anakin turned the speeder around its own axis and then gained even more speed while heading straight for the ground.

A huge ship appeared and they were approaching it at a dangerous speed. "Pull up, Anakin. Pull up!" Obi-Wan urged while squeezing the poor armrests. His Padawan only laughed like a mad man. He managed to pull the speeder up in time, just seconds before they would crash into the ship.

"You know I don't like it when you do that," the oldest Jedi complained.

"Sorry, Master, I forget you don't like flying," Anakin mocked, already gaining speed once again.

"I don't mind flying, but what you're doing is suicide." Al'Lyssandra had to agree with him, but if it wouldn't have been for such a serious matter, she actually would've enjoyed the crazy flight. She certainly liked the thrill of it.

The trio was now following the bounty hunter through some fiery pillars, when he grabbed his blaster and shot some strange column which connected with it's counterpart and build up an energy shield. "Anakin! How many times have I told you — Ah!"

Anakin flew straight through the shield. Lightnings struck and gave them painful electroshocks.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Stay away from power couplings!"finished Obi-Wan through gritted teeth. They finally were too far for the purple lightning to reach them. "That was good!" he stated ironically.

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