16. Smile.

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We dropped to the floor and cried in each others arms under the stars.. With you under the stars.. That's my safe space.



I woke up outside, I forgot we fell asleep here after I fixed Nani up. I even fixed up Jungkook and put him in the house. I looked at Nani beside me, sand in her hair and her eyes puffy from crying with cheeks stained with tears. I gave her some pills to hopefully subside her pain. I looked out at the sun and watched it slowly peep out from the horizon. I didn't smile. I felt like smiling was impossible, I felt ashamed of myself for letting this happen to her. I could've protected her but I was stupid and too late. I stared at her cut and bruised face as guilt began filling me. I heard yelling coming from the house meaning it was my cue to get Nani and I back. I picked her up and carried her. She woke up from me lifting her.

"I don't want to leave yet" She spoke softly while she winced at the pain that was caused by me touching her cuts and the cuts being pressed against my body

"I'm sorry.. They're home" I responded to her

"Wait." She said, I stopped in my tracks and looked at her "...N..Never mind"

I continued walking with her in my arms until we were inside of the house. I placed her down as the hyungs rushed up to us, checking if we're okay

"What happen?!" J-hope asked in a panick

Nani didn't respond, instead she looked at Jungkook on the couch with his leg bandaged. He made eye contact with her and immediately put his head down in shame.

"I'm sorry" He spoke weakly

"JEON JUNGKOOK! What did you do!" RM raised his voice causing Jungkook to flinch

"I didn't mean to... I couldn't help it" He spoke again

"Look at me." RM said through gritted teeth

"She was drugging me.. I had no clue" Jungkook's eyes had dark circles around them and heavy bags. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red like he had been crying for years. He looked dead with his chapped lips and guilty eyes. I felt sorry for him.

RM sighed and paused for a minute afterwards, examining Jungkook "What happened to your thigh?"

"I shot him." Nani said instantly

"Nani-" J-hope started before he was interrupted

"He deserved it. I bet you he won't make the same mistake again" Suga said before walking up to Nani

Jungkook let his head drop again in shame. Jin went to get him some water, it was quiet other then Suga asking Nani questions about what happened and Nani answering them. But I could hear Jungkook quietly sobbing to himself while he waited for water. When Jin came back Jungkook fixed his face and let Jin check on him while he drank the water. I walked over to RM, Jimin, and J-hope they were talking about Jisoo

"Ah, V.. We need to do something with her body, it can't just stay there" RM spoke

"Any ideas?" Jimin asked

"Why not tie some rocks to her and drop her in the ocean?" I said

"How are we going to get far enough out there to drop her in?" J-hope added

"Hobi's right" RM said

"We can bury her?" I suggested

"It's sand, she'll end up popping out eventually" Jimin swept his hair back "Oh! I know, let's mail her to one of our contacts and ask them to deal with it"

"That could work" I nodded my head and patted Jimin's back

"Until then, lets cleans this up" RM instructed

Without a problem the four of us began cleaning up the practice room. No one smiled that day.


Jungkook's POV

It's been a week since Jisoo's death. They keep close eyes on me, I think I'm going crazy. I feel like I can't function, something missing. I want it. But I can't, I don't want to be a monster. But I don't feel pain when I have it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I tried to shake off the thoughts but it didn't work. I got a sharp pain while my fist were tightly clenched. I slowly unballed my fist and stared at the new cuts on my hand from my nails. I closed my hand back and winced in pain before standing up and walking to the bathroom, I washed my hands and splashed some water on my face. I stared down at the sink and turned off the water. Soon my eyes slowly traveled upwards and I made eye contact with myself. I studied my features. Dry skin, dark circles around my eyes, chapped and bloody lips, heavy bags, redness on my cheeks, near my eyes, and on my nose. I looked horrible.. My eyes began to water.

"What happened to you?" I asked my reflection as I let tears roll down my face

"You did this" I heard my voice respond

I looked up at my own reflection as it stared back at me mimicking my every move

"Who are you?" Fear and anger building up

"I am you" The voice replied

"No, you're a monster. You disgust me." I snapped at the voice and my reflection

"We are one"

"You're A Monster" I got a bit louder

"One body" The voice stayed calm it didn't seem affected

"MONSTER" I yelled at the reflection

"I'm you."

"MONSTER!" I screamed

"We are I"

"STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT." I was going crazy, pulling at my hair and screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs, I was breaking. I swear I saw my reflection smirk at me, I punched the mirror causing it to shatter. I dropped to my knees and held myself

"stop it... you're a liar.." I whispered to myself before passing out on the floor.

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