Chapter 8

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That calamari though....

No! Karra said. She's our competition!


We were having another disagreement again about Bennett, and it wasn't really going anywhere.

"And here's some chocolate covered strawberries," Zoe said sweetly, handing me a plate full of the sweet treats.

I love her now. No time to be jealous when I'm getting food this good! I shoved the food in my mouth, which tasted amazing. Feeling spoiled? Yep. Ok with it? Heck yeah!

Bennett walked up, giving Zoe a kiss on the cheek. Right after that he gave her a stern look, nodding his head to the strawberries.

"She should really be on a diet," he said, taking my food from me. I growled at him, snapping out for my chocolate covered fruit. Grrrr.....

"No." He hit my head and threw the snack away. "You are a leader. The leader. That training we were talking about the other day? Yeah, that's happening now."

I grumbled and hit his arm, running in circles screaming.

"And we need to work on your attitude."

That was all Karra, my friend. I can't control her.

"I know it's all your demon," he said, as if reading my mind.

I stopped running and did the best I could to block Karra out. Bennett, whom I will never call Ben (it just doesn't sound right), motioned for me to follow him outside.

The backyard was bigger than when I first saw it two days ago. It stretched what seemed to be about 15 acres. Way too much space for a normal home, but we were in the countryside, so it only seemed fitting that for the average person this would have been a farm.

Bennett walked faster then me as I was gaping at the size of the yard. We weren't wearing jackets, so he just spread out his wings and raced like a plane taking off. He started to ascend, a lot slower than the last time we flew, and made a gentle lift off.

I followed quickly, throwing myself in the air and racing to catch up. Bennett gave me a frustrated look, and he shook his head.

"Will you ever learn?" he grumbled, taking a left back to the house and flying down. Our feet touched the ground, and the grass wedged in my toes. I had taken off my shoes for the flight, and now that I looked down at them, they were also covered in mud. Ugh.

"Cadence," Bennett said. "You have to take a slow start, like an airplane, and then slowly take off. From there, I'll let you fly however."

'Airplanes don't fly slow,' Karra screeched in my brain. I yelled at her to shut up, and saying it out loud probably wasn't a good idea.

Bennett looked at me like I was a student in kindergarten that just broke a pencil, and he was the teacher. God, why did he have to act so stuck up!

Karra, yet again, speaking for me.

I avoided his gaze by looking around, and when I stared over at the house, I saw Matt looking directly at us from the window.

'That dick!' Karra screamed in my head. I didn't risk calling her out again, because then it would be time out for the kindergartener, speciality of Mr. Bennett.

Matt came outside and headed our way. A smirk was plastered on his face, which suited him better than his usual frown.

"Ya'll two our quite the pair," he said, his hands tucked in his pockets. The Chief stared down Bennett.

"You know I'm with Zoe," Bennett said, crossing his arms.

Matt gave him a look that could kill. "I think I very well know." Whatever happened between them, it wasn't too happy.

"Ben, since she's a handful, I think I can handle her for a while," he said, probably to only break the tension. Bennett reluctantly agreed with him, and left to go find Zoe.

"Now, Cadence, I do believe we have things to work on."


What's going on between Bennett and Matt? :/ I really hoped you guys liked that chapter. Another shortie, and it's been I really long time since I've updated. But I love you guys so much!!!

Will now be writing tons more,

Ellie Maxwell❤️

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