Chapter 21 - The Truth is...

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A/N Heyyaa

I updated this in school ;p



i dont even realize it has been A WEEK since I updated

and i didnt really pay attention about it much



heres a [kinda] long chapter

lots of things coming



*April’s POV*

Once I got home, I feel normal. Not wanting to puke, or having weird stomachache. I put my palm on my forehead. No fever. Good. At least I can rest now.

I turn my gaze to my flat. Wow. What a mess. Spider nets everywhere. The sofa is collecting dust. Half eaten pizza on the table. Just like how I left it, I guess? I already forgot. Whoop. Maybe a bit cleaning can also ‘clear’ my mind.

For what seemed like forever –when it obviously only 1 hour –finally my flat is clean. No spider web, rotten food, and everything is on its place. Well, there are dusts of course because I couldn’t really clean what’s floating on the air everywhere.

I went to my room and smiled remembering the time Niall first come here. I went in and resisting the urge to jump and flop on the bed. Instead, I took a pair of clean colorful dotted pjs and went to the bathroom. I know its probably still like 3 PM but I like pjs.

I strip down my clothes and ran the cold water down my body. Cold water somehow calming. I wore my fresh pj and walk out of the bathroom. I lay myself on the bed. Ah. Just what I need. Warm bed and cozy clean room. My mind flew to to Gina and Niall. I’m not really the type of jealous, but she somehow bugged me.

I only hope there are no paparazzi around there. It will probably make an interesting fat article about Niall cheating whatsoever, that which could give them more payment and maybe they could give their family something to eat. Pathetic. They got happiness by sucking others.

Gina. She’s here. Really here. And I just could not… Okay I didn’t hate her. I take my previous statement. I hate her personality. So I did nothing wrong and she hate me? Really. I do try really hard to understand her circumstances. She probably had a broken family, and that made her the way she is.

But that doesn’t mean she can just roll and ruin other’s childhood right? I got a messy childhood because of her, but I still try to do my best. It’s all depends on choices you know? But I didn’t hate her, we used to be friends. Used.

Okay you probably wonder how my childhood is right? Okay even if you don’t let me just get that straight.

Me and Gina used to be best friends. Like, she’s really –oh for the love of God –a good listener. She understand me, like no one have ever did –before Kate. Even if we used to mock each other and calling each other by the name of a boy that liked us like ‘James’ or ‘Nick’ or whatever, we still ended up laughing our asses off.

Not trying to be self-arrogant or something, but we were quite popular. As popular as a small school in a small city can be. But, we always had this line ‘Make it for the best of others, besties before anything’ that we used to say after school. God I still remember it clearly when her pinky intertwined with mine.

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