The Notes

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You were taking a long stroll through a nearby park when something shining in the light caught your eye. You walk over towards it but unknowingly drop your iPhone in the process. You look down at the object and notice that it is a page with childish writing scribbled over it. You pick it up and study the writing on it. "Always watches, no eyes" was scrawled over the worn sheet of paper.

You shrug and fold it up, placing it in your jeans pocket. You then feel a sudden urge to walk into the woods and search around for more notes. You decide to go anyway and find yourself soon lost under many colossal sized trees. You look around and eventually find another note and stuff it into your pocket as well.

When you'll hear a breaking of a twig behind you, you jump and twist around covering your mouth to stifle a scream. You close your eyes fearing that it was your end when a boy, about fifteen, walks up to you holding a kitchen knife. Your eyes widen as he nears you with both hands raised above his head. Suddenly you feel a warmth wrap around your body and someone laughing sarcastically into your ear. "You know you aren't supposed to be wandering the woods alone babe~" the boy teased in her ear as his arms wrapped around her waist.

You blush slightly and try and push him away but give up when you run out of energy. You look back to the spot where he came from and notice a very tall man with a blank face and wearing a black business suit and blood red tie. You shiver from a fear hidden deep inside of you. You feel like you know him but at the same time you have never seen him before.

You look a little closer and notice two boys peeking out from behind his legs. One had a white mask with black outlining the eyes and lips whereas the other had a black mask with glowing red lines outlining his lips and eyes. You cringe causing yourself to hold onto the boy tighter.

The tall man looked down at the boys and spoke without his lips, "Go help the young lady get free of Jeffery's grasp and help her to her feet," he ordered.

The two boys nodded and ran towards you and tree this Jeff off from on top of you. You gasped in surprise at their strength as they lifted you up onto your feet. "Th-Thank you..." You stuttered shyly as the boys ran back behind the tall creature.

"I see that you have never heard of us but have an underlying feeling that you do," he stated calmly as you rubbed your hands over your arms to keep warm.

You nodded slightly and soon felt a tentacle wrap around your waist and lift you up off of the ground. "Well, then maybe it is time for your end once and for all," he said quietly and pulled you closer to him.

You whimpered and glared at him trying to free yourself of his grip. "Let. Me. Go!" You growled in anger as you tried to break free of his strong grip.

"Now why would I do that?" He purred in your ear as his grip tightened.

You glared at him. "What would you gain if I died?" You countered in annoyance.

He laughed even though he had no mouth, but you watched one slowly form. You whimpered slightly from the new fear you were feeling towards his new form. "Let me go," you persisted.

The boy with the black mask walked out in front of this creature. "Sir, please let her go. What were we going to do to her anyway? The notes were planted for someone else and she so happened to stumble upon them...." He trailed off.

This "Sir" growled and slapped the little hooded boy that spoke. "Quiet Hoodie!" He barked as his attention returned towards you. "Though what would.... Or should I do with you?" He asked himself aloud.

You with your sarcastic attitude replied, "Set me free like a good sir you are~" you teased hopefully.

He laughed and loosened his grip on you ever so slightly. "And what makes you think that I will let you go so easily?" He asked in a demanding tone.

You gulped and countered his authority. "Because I already have two of your so- called notes. Also, I am not the one you were initially looking for so why would you choose me at the last minute?" You ask with a plain smirk on your beautiful face.

He growled at you and let you go but you stood there waiting to see what he would do. "Since you were so eager to start looking for my notes then you might as well try and find all eight of them. If you find them all before I can catch up to you then you get to leave without a single scratch. However, if I or a friend of mine catch up to you before the eighth note is picked up, then you will either become one of mine or dead," he said as a mouth formed on his face. "Though I am quite hungry at the moment...." he teased smirking and licking his lips.

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