-Chapter 2-

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Karma P.O.V

As I waked off down the cobbled path I got a feeling in my gut. Something telling me not to go and to listen to Nagi-Chan. All of a sudden I heard a very familiar voice. The voice of Nagi-Chan. "Karma-Kun!!! wait up"
"What now Nagi-Chan" I muttered feeling slightly aggravated, why wouldn't he just let me go? Suddenly I felt two little arms wrap around my waist. "Goodbye Karma-Kun" he whispered, the feeling in my gut grew stronger but I held back the urge to stay.

I woke up the next day, my pillow wet and a picture of Nagi-Chan beside me. I felt a weird tickling in my hand. I looked down and saw the teddy bear Nagi-Chan had given me, for my 8th birthday. It was brightly coloured, with a bright body. It was holding a extremely bright neon pink heart with the words "I love you" sewed into it.

As I walked into the train station with my family I heard a voice from behind me.
"Karma-Kun!" The voice called, I turned around to see Nagi-Chan with a large box.
"Umm.. hello Nagi-Chan," I was slightly surprised he was here to see me go. Nagi-Chan walked right up to me, put the large box down and hugged me. My mind was overloaded with surprise now because he had never hugged me before.

"Nagi-Chan are you okay?" I put a grin on my face to hide my confusion
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Was his response.
"You hugged me,  that's a bit strange don't you think?" I looked at him and realise his face was wet, I slightly panicked not wanting to make him cry,
"Have you been crying Nagi-Chan?"

"Maybe?" Suddenly it was as if my emotions were controlling my body - I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly while making sure to not crush his lungs.

"Karma-Kun I've got you a present!" He said smiling as  he thrusted the massive box in my face just holding it there.
"Thanks Nagi-Chan you didn't have to you know," I took the box out of his hands smiling, I went to open it.
"Don't open it yet until you get to your apartment in America!" He quickly yelled
"Okay?" I then heard the train coming, "sorry Nagi-Chan but I have to go"
"Oh okay, Karma-Kun"

I could see he was on the verge of breaking down into tears. I took several steps towards him and kissed his cheek. I got onto the train and looked out the small circular-porthole like windows. I could see him waving so I decided to wave back at him. The train jolted forwards and I could hear the screeching of the trains engine as I left my childhood.

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