Chapter 4

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A/N: so this is a short one just to tie up the loose end of Chapter 3.


"Okay guys, our guest is running a little bit late. But that's okay! I want you to give me a list of things that you want do this summer. We have three months, so we should be able to fit in a lot of things. So shoot!"

"Play Football!"

"Okay, good idea , Jeremy. What else?"

"Swimming!" a very short blonde boy shouted excitedly.

"Yes, swimming we'll do loads of. You'll be like Michael Phelps at the end of the summer."

"Can we draw?"

"Of course, Pablo, we can draw and do arts and crafts."

"Can we go to the fire station?" at that question the other 19 kids cheered.

"You guys really liked that day, huh? Okay, I'll see what I can do. Maybe we can go to different fire stations."

"YEEEAAHHH" they collectively shouted.

"Okay, thank you guys so much for your help. You have great ideas. Draw your numbers and get into your table groups. I want you all to tell the other people in your group, what your plans are this summer. Apart from your time here."

Camila's Jeep came to a screeching halt in front of a small community center next to Charles Hadley Park. She looked at herself in the rear view mirror before she went to face the music.

She looked like hell, but still somehow hot? She had the whole disheveled laid back thing down well. She looked her car and hurried her way into the building.

A nice looking older lady was walking through the hallway with a stack of files and Camila hurriedly addressed her.

"Hi, sorry. I'm Detective Cabello, I'm here to for the uhm... the kids?" that sounded so weird and Camila took out her phone shaking her head. "Uhm... I'm a bit late but I was told to ask for Lara?"

The old lady didn't catch Camila's awkwardness and just smiled at her with a beaming grin.

"Oh, yes. We're so glad you could make it! Thank you so much for doing this. Don't worry about being late. We just usually do something else in the mean time. The kids are here until 4 in the afternoon anyway today. You'll want to find room 727. It's just around the corner to your left. You're going to talk to our littlest ones today. Ages 5 to 9. If you have any questions just ask Lauren, she leads the summer camp of the group and she can help you out. Have fun!"

Camila nodded with a smile before hurrying to in the direction the older lady had pointed her to.

Before she turned the corner she turned around and said "Wait, I though I was supposed to talk to Lara!" but the old Lady was already gone. Camila huffed and went back to the task at hand: Room 727.

When she found the hand written sign sticking to the brown door she burst inside.

20 sets of tiny eyes looked at her in awe. A stranger! How exciting.

She couldn't see an adult in the room so she just said "Ehm... I'm looking for Lara?"

"That's me!" an excited black girl with a bow in her pony tail exclaimed, waving at Camila and grinning wildly.

Was she still high?

"Ehm... not I think a different Lara. She's like... your teacher or some shit?"

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