Chapter 5

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„I'm glad to see you make more of an effort with community outreach, Cabello. Didn't think I'd see you giving children a tour of the precinct, ever. I like the attitude. Keep it up."

„Thanks, Captain. I appreciate it."

„I thought you'd take a break after you busted that prostitution ring with Hansen last week.You've been at it 24/7 it seems after your break and the community center day. So to see you do something for others on your day off... it's something" the Captain gave Camila an approving nod.

Camila smiled, but she was close to falling asleep. After her talk at the community center she had been thrown into the case of another detective. They were not getting anywhere and Camila had been sent to kind of save the day. She was street wise and knew people from her youth that were indirectly connected to the case. They had tried to bust a prostitution ring and struggled to get any good leads.

When Camila got on the case, it was only a matter of days before they'd eventually bust the pimp. Camila knew someone who knew someone who kinda owed her so she let her connections work and got the team the names and places they needed to make the necessary arrest.

How she did it, no one asked. She always said she needed to protect her sources, to keep their trust. Captain didn't care. He ordered results and Camila always delivered.

After double shifts for 7 days straight she was close to falling asleep standing up. The fact that she didn't use the time after her last case to properly rest didn't help either. She mentally scolded herself for forgetting a bit of a pick me up at home.

The kids from Lauren's youth group were just getting some patches and stickers as a goodbye present and Dinah took a picture of all of them in front of a police car. When Camila joined her, the other detective leaned over and whispered in her ear „So green eyes must have really rocked your world if you're doing all this for her little youth group, huh?"

„Shut up!" Camila shushed her. „I did it to make up for the fact that I kinda fucked up the Q&A thing at the center."

„Fair enough, Lauren told me earlier that you were kind out of it."

„You have no idea, I was a mess. But she was so cool about afterwards that I really needed to do something."

„Like her?"

„What ‚like her'?"

„You should do her. I know you want to. And you said she liked it so..." Dinah winked before she went over to Lauren to hand her back her phone.

Camila stood there with her mouth open. Trying to be offended but them remembering that she had told Dinah that they had sex.

Lauren smiled from her from a couple of feet away while listening to Juan talk about how much fun he had. When they were about to leave, all the kids went to shake Camila's and Dinah's hand to say thank you. A few of them hugged her. Camila was a bit stunned at that. Lauren ushered them into the bus Camila had organized through the department.

When all the kids where on the bus and Lauren had made sure everyone was there, she got off and went to say goodbye to Camila, who was standing outside the bus doors.

„So we're all ready. Thank you again for organizing all of this. The kids had so much fun. I really appreciate it" she finished and gave Camila a squeeze to the arm.

The touch gave Camila goosebumps, the good kind. She was glad she was wearing long sleeves.

„It- It's the least I can do" she looked at her feet when she felt her cheeks getting red.

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