Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm extremely sorry it took me so long to update. This is a short one just to get back into the story because it has been so long and I didn't know how to proceed. Please be patient with me if over the next few chapters as I try to find some structure with this again. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Quick disclaimer: the portrayal of addiction is based on what I know from friend, the internet and movies. This is not necessarily realistic and any forms of "help" are not based on actual scientific research.

Chapter 6

„Lauren, really. I'll just go home. I never get-„

Camila protested before another huge sneeze escaped her.

Just as she wanted to continue she noticed Lauren's contorted face, trying her best

to hold a laugh.

„Wha-„ Camila started again when she tasted a thick salty string of snot on her lips.

Lauren was now hunched over laughing, reinforced by Camila's now red cheeks and huge eyes.

Camila quickly got up to go to the bathroom to clean herself up when suddenly she lost her balance and her vision went blurry. Lauren reacted quickly and helped Camila steady herself.

„Woah there, okay, take it easy" she guided a still dizzy Camila to the bathroom and made her sit on the edge of the bathtub. She took a fresh wash cloth, held it under the cold faucet and cleaned up Camila's face.

„That- that feels soooo good" Camila let out, leaning into the cool cloth in Lauren's hand.

She felt really hot. And dizzy. And... oh no...

Not only did Camila have a problem with word vomit when it came to Lauren, but now it was real chunks covering the other girl.

Camila was mortified. She had thrown up all over Lauren's legs.

She was close to fainting. If it was due to feeling like crap or due to the embarrassment, she couldn't tell. She prepared for Lauren screaming, or slapping her, or kicking her out. But nothing happened. Instead, the taller girl just wiped Camila's mouth clean with the was cloth that was still in her hand and then rinsed it out in the sink.

Lauren got puked on all the time by the kids at work. She wasn't angry. But she was very concerned. What was wrong with her?

She calmly got Camila to stand up and motioned her back to living room.

„Get changed. I'll take a quick shower" she gave Camila a comforting smile. There was no reason for Camila to be embarrassed, in Lauren's opinion.

When she got out of the shower 15 minutes later, she found the clothes she had laid out on the couch. There was no sign of Camila.

Lauren was disappointed more than she was confused. She hoped Camila had relaxed around her since they toured the precinct, but maybe she was wrong.

Another emotion Lauren felt really strongly: concern. Camila really looked ill, and Lauren assumed she took her car. A look outside confirmed it. What if she would lose consciousness and crash?

Lauren hurriedly put on some clean clothes, grabbed her wallet and keys and bolted out the door.

She ran down to the next main street and hailed a taxi. She couldn't remember the exact street Camila lived on but she remembered seeing window color of a unicorn on the window of her downstairs neighbor.

Camila made it home. How, she had no idea. She threw up in her car while she was driving and just so managed to park close to her apartment before she got dizzy again. Now she was laying on her floor, the room spinning. Hurling up spit. She felt exhausted. Everything ached. She felt sad. Angry. Desperate.

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