Not okay

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"Justin! Hey!"

I felt my heart race. I started falling backwards onto the bridge and someone caught me.

"sorry, did I scare you?"

I looked over to see Damon holding me. "oh. I.. Uhh.. Yeah. Thanks for catching me" Damon stood me up and smiled.

"so what are you doing?"

"oh, not much. Just having some quiet time. What about you? What are you doing all the way out here?" we started walking to my car.

"Well, you know. Just decided to walk out here. Anything to get away from my parents"

I chuckled a little. "true. Very true. Want to go to Taco Bell?"

Damon's eyes lit Up "YES!"

We got in the car and headed to taco Bell. "Damon, do you know why Danny has been so rude and moody lately?"

"No. Hey, where is he anyway?"

"At Tish's. He said she asked him to come over."

"Oh. Weird."

*Danny pov*
I got out of the car, completely ignoring Justin and slammed the car door. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door as I heard Justin drive away.

"hey Danny" Tish said as she opened the door.

I smiled a lot and walked in. "hey!" We hugged and walked to her room. I sat on her bed and looked at her. "So how are you?"

"tried. Bored. So... Why did you need to come over?"

"I was wondering if you had anymore of the pills"

Tish rolled her eyes. "you're taking them how you're supposed to, right?"

"yes!" I looked down.

"Danny, are you lying to me?"

I looked away from her and spoke softly "Do you have any more?"

She got up and walked over to her closet. "Here" she said kind of angrily.

I picked up the small baggie that she tossed at me.

"there's 40 in there. Double what I usually give you. Make them last because I'm done getting these for you"

My heart Sank and I looked up at her. "you're kidding me right?"

"Do I sound like I'm fucking kidding?"

"Tish why would you do this to me?!"

"Me?! You're the one slowly killing yourself!"

"I am not! I told you I need them!"

"do you even know what they're for?"

"yeah. Depression."

"so you have depression?"

"... That's not the point! The point is I need them!"

"You don't need them. You're ADDICTED!"

"No I'm not!"

"then why do you care that I'm not going to give them to you anymore?"

"because I need them Tish. What part of that do you not understand?"

"so, you have depression?"

"doesn't matter"

"Danny. Do. You. Have. Depression?"

I looked at the baggie and opened it quietly, dumping some into my hand. "okay. Yes, Tish. I have depression. And anxiety. I have a lot of shit wrong with me. Now you know!" I looked at her and dumped the pills from my hand to my mouth and swallowed them.

"what did you just do?!" Tish yelled at me.

"took some pills. Duh. How stupid are you?"

She grabbed the bag and counted them. "5?! You took 5?!"

"give those back" I reached to take them back and she moved away.

"No! You're killing yourself!"

I got up. "give them back!"


I ran towards her but she moved and I ran into the wall, my first going through it. "Fine. Whatever. I'll just get some from Mason"

"hah. Dude Mason hates you."

"No he doesn't. Don't be salty just because I've had to tell you a million times that Justin doesn't like you that way"

Tish threw the bag at me and started grinding her teeth while talking. "Get the hell out of my house"

"wow Tish. You're such a salty whore" I laughed as I started walking out of her room. She slammed her bedroom door as I left the house.

"I'll show her that he likes me" I thought to myself. I looked at the bag and took 2 more. "7 total. That should do it."

I walked back to my house and walked in quietly. There wasn't any sound. "good. Dad isn't here" I walked into my room and hid the pills. Once they were hidden I started feeling sick. I laid down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and started a new text conversation.

"hey. Come over"

"who is this?"

"it's Danny Blake"

"go away"

"mason please come over. I need You"

"fine. I'll be there soon"

I smiled and closed my eyes, forcing myself not to puke so the pills wouldn't leave my body.

*Justin pov*
"Isn't taco Bell the best?" I looked up at Damon as we ate.

"haha yeah. It's really good"

I kept eating.

"so Danny has been acting out lately?" Damon asked, referring to the conversation earlier.

"yeah. He's been really irritable lately. Then he'll be fine, then irritable again. Serious mood swings. He's been like this for a few months."

"do you think he could be doing and kind of drugs?"

"Danny? No. You know how he hates those things"

"I suppose. But you never know. Does he have depression?"

"not that I know of. I don't know why he would other than occasional dysphoria. But he's not one to get very dysporic."

"well then I don't know. Just keep an eye on him okay?"

"yeah don't worry. I will"

"hey. It's starting to get late. Could you drive me home?"

"yeah. Just let me go to the bathroom first" I stood up and walked over to the bathroom. When I walked in, there was one person. I washed my hands until they walked out then I went into one of the stalls and puked. When I was done I rinsed my hands, face and mouth. I went back out to Damon.

"You ready?" Damon smiled and asked.

"Yup. Let's go." We got into the car and drove back to the other side of town. 20 minutes later we got to Damon's house.

"thanks man" he unbuckled and started getting out.

"No problem. See ya bro!" I waited until he got inside then drove home. I parked in the driveway, got out, locked the door, then got out my house key and went inside.

"Tish give them back!" I heard Danny yell.

I locked the door then ran upstairs to his room and gasped. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"

Justin Blake: Finding HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now