Ch2: Heats and Bandanas that will kill us all

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The first day of school was hard. Harder than usual because my freakin heat suppressants were just not working cuz apparently my parents put me on a new prescription without informing me. I'll have to up my dosage when its time to take my next round or I'm just going to be miserable for the rest of this cycle.

This heat is so freakin strong this time. In all those romantic movies when omegas mate with an alpha or a beta the symptoms are suppose to reduce but its all a lie! I have never been so miserable in a heat cycle. I'm only like two days into this and I wish I could just fall out and die. It's gotten so bad its actually starting to affect the teachers and other students. I'm a bit surprised that no one had tried to call my parents and take me home. They're probably too nervous to approach me. Maybe I could just check myself out? No, cant do that. I'd have to call my parents. I could call Vince. I put him down as an emergency contact right? Wait. That's probably not a good idea, he's most likely really busy right now so he wont even pick up. Or he would and he would make a fool of himself to get here. So that a no go on Vince.


Here I sit in my history class, trying to pay attention to the lesson but the twisting in my gut and the heat burning under my skin was making it close to impossible. Nothing was comfortable. My clothes were too heavy, the seat was too hard, too many people were staring at me, my alphas wasn't here..... HE'S NOT YOUR ALPHA! Holy crap that's been happening a lot lately. Just the thought of Hunter sends my body into a whirlwind of emotions that is extremely hard to explain. I feel so drawn to him but I know I cant do that. He's a senior, going to college soon and I am a sophomore with little to no interest in even attending a community college. And by society standards I am still a dumb child, who doesn't know about real life. He doesn't want me, he has a senior beta girlfriend who's head cheerleader and has a better future than me. I'm an awkward oil painter who's only athletic accomplishment is playing saxophone in marching band. My future plans include using my inheritance from my grandparents and using it to move into a small studio apartment and sell paintings. Not the most safe of plans but its still a plan. Better than nothing! What was I talking about again? Oh right, Hunter and his stupid sexy face. I wish I could just up an ignore him but after school football players, cheerleaders, marching band, and color guard all meet up for practice and I can just smell the testosterone, axe body spray, and sweat all the way across the field into the bleachers. And it is the most distracting thing ever! One second I'm all chill, just trying to remember why I joined marching band in the first place; I joined because it got me out of the house more and away from my psychotic parents, and the next thing I know the whole freakin mood changes because the football players are doing laps and my instincts are telling me to show off to any available mates in my surrounding area. I did not fall and break my nose for your information.

This cycle has my thought all jumbled and in a mess. I cant keep one train of thought for very long. One second I'm talking about what I'm going to do after practice and then somehow it turns into how much I hate Amanda. Gosh I hate Amanda. If she asks me one more time for one of my reeds for her clarinet I am going to scream! You cant just shove my reed into your clarinet and expect it to fit. It don't work like that.

See, another tangent.

I shift around in my chair trying to find a position that didn't make me want to scream and then the unthinkable happens. I move my leg just a little too much and a certain part of me became just a little to stimulated and I moaned, loudly I must add, in front of the whole class. The whole room just goes quiet and looks at me and I have never felt so embarrassed in my life! These kinds of things only happen in movies. You know those becoming of age movies, the teen romantic comedy stuff. Not in a billion years did I ever think this would happen to me! I don't really know what to do in the moment but somehow my body had made up its mind that I couldn't be here anymore. I quickly shove all my things into my bag and I'm gone. I had absolutely no idea where I was going but I couldn't be there. I will never be able to live that down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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